2nd Trimester

Feb. Mommies - When are you having your shower?

My due date is February 11, 2010 and we're trying to decide when to have the shower.  I want to try to stay away from the holidays, but early December seems too early and early January seems too late.  If you are due around this same time, what are you planning to do?  Thx!


Re: Feb. Mommies - When are you having your shower?

  • It's September!!! No idea yet. Soo early.
  • I am due February 22, and we started planning my shower for October 17th. I wanted to stay away from the holidays as well, and we have a lot of birthdays in November including my DS.
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  • We are due Feb 8th and my friend is planning a shower for me on Dec 5th! I think it's perfect. Just in time for all the pretty holiday and Xmas decorations! Smile
  • I am actually due on February 23rd; I plan to have my shower about the 3rd week in January to give people time to recover from the holidays.
  • I am due the 24th so we have a little time... But I think we are planning around the second week in Jan.
  • I have no clue yet, either. I'd probably say early January and just bust my a** getting everything ready by 2-2-10!


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I had the same dilema in my head!  Well, my hubby and I concluded that mid November would be appropriate.  You will be big enough to look "pleasantly pregnant" but still be comfortable.  We live up north so there is no real chance of two feet of snow.  And we didn't want to have our shower between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  People are too busy.  So, probably late October and mid November.  My friend planned hers at 32 weeks and by then her doctor had informed her that she was not okay to travel (due to medical issues)  So really, what is too early to have a shower?
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  • Honestly, if you are having a complication free pregnancy early Jan should be fine.  It's what you feel comfortable with though.  If you'd like to see what you get earlier go for the beginning of Dec.  You will be like 28ish weeks by then so you should be fine.
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  • I'm due Feb 19 and we went with December 5th for my shower.  My mom is going to send invites out VERY early so people know in advance of any christmas parties, etc.....

    November was too early for me and January was too late.....so i'm sure it will all work out :)

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  • My due date is end of January, so I thought I would join in...

     We're having two showers, and they're both early. One is the end of October, hosted by my mother-in-law, and one is in early November with my mother and extended family. I know it's kinda early but these were the times most convenient for both of our families since many of our friends and guests have to travel from out of town... we didn't want to take any chances with the holidays around the corner.

    Also, another thing to consider... you don't want to have it too close to your EDD in case you get put on bed rest, or you just don't feel up to it! I recently attended a shower where the mom-to-be was eight months along -- and she felt miserable on her feet!

  • awwwww!! We are due on the same day!! :-) I have on that is being given on Dec. 12 and another one that my friend hasn't made her mind up on yet....
    Jessie Rose was born on 01/26/10 at 37wks, she weighed 7.9lbs and was 19" long! Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I am due 2/1. By the time you clear New Years, Jan is just cutting it too close for me. No exact date yet, but we are planning on early December.
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  • probably Jan. 9 or 10

    DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

    *please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
  • imageantosh2008:
    I am due February 22, and we started planning my shower for October 17th. I wanted to stay away from the holidays as well, and we have a lot of birthdays in November including my DS.

    That's crazyness i'm due Jan 15th and i'm having my babyshower on Oct. 17th too lol I've already had one from my hometown last sunday and this one is a home/work thing. But because of the holidays weither your due in february or not Oct is a good month because winter is bad in some places and the holidays so good choice

  • I'm due 2/19 and I think we're doing it the 2nd week in Jan.  I'd like to avoid all the craziness from Thanksgiving to Christmas and just enjoy those times pre-baby.



  • Due 2/2/10 and honestly i dont think i'll be having one. No one has offered, and I am wayyy to far from my side of the family/friends (we just recently moved) We are closer to my DH's family/friends. Not too sure at this point.


  • My friend is planning mine for Dec. 12th. We're due Feb. 2nd and I definitely want to make sure everything is set up by early January so Dec. 12th is the latest I want to go, especially with the holidays being such a busy time.
  • oh i have no idea. mine will have to be either very near thanksgiving or christmas, because i live pretty distant to my family, and will have to decide which holiday to go home for. my godmother has been pestering me with when i would rather have it. probably be more comfortable to fly for thanksgiving than christmas...
  • One is in Sept, one in Nov and one in Dec.
  • My due date is February 28th... my cousin is planning to have mine in mid January, after the holiday craze.  My mother is also hosting a shower for me, abroad, and that will be in November.
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  • I'm lucky enough to have two showers!

    The first one is early - end of September at 22 weeks.  My family lives about 8 hours away so this is our last long trip.

    The 2nd will be in mid-November to avoid all the holidays.

  • I'm due Feb. 8th and am having my shower the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  I live in FL and most of my family is in OH.  So...since I will be home for the holiday (along with everyone else who comes home for the holiday) we are biting the bullet!  I have had a pretty good  - "That will work perfectly - I will be in town." from a lot of family and friends...so I am not too worried about the timing.
  • No idea. Traditionally the baby shower is a surprise so I have no clue when my family/friends are planning it. I did mention to my mom that whoever is planning it should figure out if they want pre-holiday or post-holiday.
  • I am due the 22nd and having the shower some time in January.
  • I am due Feb 2.

    My family is having one October 11 because it will be the last time I will be traveling out there.

    My in laws have decided to do Christmas and a shower on December 5 which was the latest date I was willing to travel there.

  • My family is having one for me Thanksgiving weekend. I live 500 miles from there and won't be able to get there again before the baby is born. Not sure if I'm going to have one here (haven't heard) but I would imagine if I do, it would be after Christmas

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  • I'm due 2/16 & looking @ Jan for mine. The hoildays can be ruff and people barely have money as it is, so I wanted to give everyone a chance to recover some.

  • I'm due 2/1 and my husbands family is doing one November 14th and my mom and sister are doing one Dec 5th......January seemed too late to me.
  • Mine is going to be in early november so that we don't add anything to everyone's already hectic holiday schedule.

    I am having a completely normal, complication free pregnancy, but I see absolutely no reason to be driving around like a crazy woman at 36-40 weeks pregnant in the snow during January trying to get everything we need. 

  • I am due Feb. 2nd so I am doing mine Nov. 14th to avoid any holiday issues.  Plus, God forbid it snow in GA, people act like idiots.
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  • My two very good friends and my mom are already in shower planning mode. My family and friends shower will be December 6th. MIL is throwing me a shower for DH's side of the family sometime in January.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

  • I don't get a shower it is my second one. I was replying because you are due on my Birthday. I get excited when other people have my birthday.
  • I am due February 3rd.  I plan to have my shower on January 9th (second week in Jan.)

     I thought that November would be a little too early and I wanted to bypass the holidays too.  My mother is throwing my shower and that is the date she decided on. 

    I am getting my own furniture anyway so I will still be able to set up the nursery.  I think the remainder 3 weeks before my due date is enough time to get anything else I might need that was not gifted to me at the shower.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • im due feb 2nd, and planning to have a shower in november but dont have a set date yet...
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  • My EDD is Feb. 3 and the shower is happening on Nov. 14 to avoid any holiday craziness. No real worry about snow being in So Cal but with all the holiday events that happen around here my hosts figured better do it before things get wild.
  • My EDD is February 14th. MIL & SIL are throwing a baby shower for me. I have no idea when, but I'm hoping sometime in November or early December because DH and I live 9 hours away from our family. Plus, there's the fact that my husband is in the Army so we really don't know what's going on or anything. But, I know I'm not going to want to travel at all anytime after that lol.

  • my EDD is 2-2-10 which is my Memaw's 70th birthday :)  Anyway, I think my showers are going to be in November before Thanksgiving.  No set dates yet, but November here it's till pretty warm, 60-70 sometimes 80 degrees which sits well with me, so I prefer it to a Dec-Jan shower when it can sometimes get into the 40's.  Me no likey cold weather.
  • I'm due Feb 1st.  My shower is going to be Nov 14th.  It's a week and a half before Thanksgiving and well before Christmas.  I will be 30 weeks then.  We're doing it on a Saturday and it's a pretty unconventional shower anyway.  Everyone is going to be invited...couples and their kids too.  It's more of a big party than anything else.  I am not a frilly type of gal and the traditional baby showers just are not my style.  We'll have a bounce house for the kids to play in...it should be fun.  And it's going to be at my house, although I am not throwing it, my SIL and my BFF are doing it. 
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  • I am due 2/11/10 also!  congrats.  I was hoping to have my shower at the beginning of December, because we are moving in December, January at the latest and I want time to prepare to purchase any big items we may not receive from our shower!
  • I'm due 6 Feb.

     My shower is 5 Dec.

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