Georgia Babies

slw - re: Disney

I think you are the Disney expert from what I remember reading.  I remember you writing a long post about how to book disney for the best price but I have paged through this board and can't find it!  I need to book air and hotel for 3 nights for Sept 17-20.  I don't think I need any park tickets as we are going on my birthday and we also have a day left on park passes we bought years go (which I am hoping do not expire).  Can you point me to a good website for this?  I'm sorry you keep having to answer these questions. 
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Re: slw - re: Disney

  • is my favorite for scoring disney deals.  Also,  is a good one.  You are picking a good time to go- it's value season so the resorts are cheaper.  We are going week after next and staying at FIL's Disney Vacation Club Condo.  But I am dying to stay in the new Pirate Rooms at Carribbean Beach Resort.  They only have a few so I think it's tricky to book but they look so cool!


    If you fly, be sure to book the Disney Magical Express.  It's their transportation service from the airport straight to your resort and its FREE.

    Watch for Delta deals to Orlando- I know I saw one a couple weeks ago for like $79 each way, but looks like it's gone now.  Just keep an eye on their weekly sale fares and sign up for email specials- that's where I saw it.






  • Just wanted to add that is also a great resource.  Have at great trip!
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