hey ladies,as of last thurs., the day i came into my 3rd tri, my heart started skipping beats. it was just in the evenings when i'd lay down for bed for the first couple of days, then i noticed them when i would be sitting on the sofa or laying down, now it's an everyday and almost every beat thing. my cardiologist says they're benign and just a nuisance but when they happen to me it kinda freaks me out. especially when they're 3 - 4 -5 in a row.anyone else experiencing this???
Re: skipped heart beats
I was actually experiencing the same thing when I was first pregnant, and still didn't know. I ended going to the ER because it became so frequent I thought I was having a heart attack(thanks webmd)! The doctor told me the same thing, that it's like your heart takes a little breath sometimes and it's benign. He said that it can sometimes happen if you have too much caffeine, dramatic change in your diet (I had done neither), or stress. He also said, the more you focus on it, the more frequent it will happen.
It totally freaked me out, but right after the doctor told me everything and I could relax, it got better!
I still get them now in third tri. They're heart palpitations and they started in 2nd tri. Unfortunately, certain foods bring them on for me like chocolate.
You might want to check out your diet and if they are not causing any chest pain - I wouldn't worry.
My ob says to go to the ER only if I'm getting them along with chest pain.