For the past hour I've had moderate cramping alternating with stabby pains in my lower pelvis. Would you call the doctor or wait and see another little bit?
I started having a similar pain in the middle of the night. It's really low, now like the usual things I feel in my abdomen. It's almost down to my vag. Any idea what that is?
My doctor always tells me as long as there is no bleeding cramping is normal. I get cramping frequently and sometimes it resembles period crapmping and freaks me out. Sometimes it's a sign your dehydrated or have done too much.
::TTC #2 since April 2010::
Diagnosed: PCOS ~ March 2011,
Diagnosed: Mild CAH ~ May 2011,
Myomectomy ~ June 2011
Drink water and rest. If it's not coming in close contraction-like patterns, it may just be round ligament pain. I would call if it seems like contractions or if it's not gone by tomorrow morning.
Re: Cramping: Is it normal?