For the past week, DH has been AMAZING! He's been such a big help taking care of the house and Abigail while I've been at the hospital with my dad. I want to do something for him to tell him how much I appreciate him. Any ideas besides

Abigail Taylor

Re: Need Ideas
How sweet of your dh! I hope your dad continues to get better.
Maybe do a day of pampering for him? Massage, nice dinner, and the obvious? : )
Too funny and so true! Although my DH usually tells me when he's doing something so he can get "the obvious." :-)
Does he have a favorite restaurant or something he likes to do but hasn't had the chance to do it lately - besides "the obvious"? A movie he wants to see? A dvd that he wants? Thinking of my DH - a ps3 game or something like that? Any books that he wants to read? Wine he likes to drink? A favorite meal that he likes you to make for him? Favorite dessert? Anything he's been eyeing (besides you) that he just hasn't gotten himself? And then add on "the obvious" afterwars! :-)