Welcome to the February Love Bugs group! If you would like to add yourself, please click on the "MEMBER" spreadsheet tab and type in your information; it will automatically save. (DO NOT ADD YOURSELF TO THE LABOR BUDDIES LIST PLEASE)
If you are just joining, please introduce yourself.
I created a group calendar for us to add all of our appts, due dates and any fun events we want to share with one another (birthdays, anniversaries, etc). All you need to do is click the add/edit button at the bottom and select the date/time of your event, make sure you include your bump screenname, what the event is and then make your background a different color to separate appts on the same day.
Here is the calendar:
Gina070605- 16 week appt
peanutbutterjennytime- meeting NP re: NT scan results
Carolina Panther Fan- 2nd OB appt
soonmommy- 3rd OB appt
Mommybalaga- 16 week appt
deepblue789- 16 week appt
JulieK08- U/S, may find out gender
Britmark- 3rd appt
Mara005- 3rd appt
QOTD: I think I asked this during our 1st trimester and was told to ask again as we progress...so, what is your favorite part of being pregnant now that we have all reached the 2nd trimester?
Well, shockingly...I am enjoying feeling kicks right now. With my DD I did NOT like it at all and it felt foreign to me. It kept me up all night and caused me insomnia. Not that it won't happen again as the kicks get stronger, but right now, I look forward to each little kick/movement I feel. It is sporatic right now and I find myself waiting for the next kick!
Re: February Love Bugs ? Monday Check-in
...Baby Blog...CD Blog...
QOTD: I love that I am finally begining to show a little bump. I got offered a seat on the train today and yesterday while online at the supermarket - A little old lady asked me when my baby would arrive. I love it.
Especially now that my nausea is gone and I have most of my energy back - I am loving every minute of being pregnant. I am excited about kicks too... I have felt some flutters but I can't wait to actually feel a kick.
Oh, and most of all - I love when DH rubs my little belly
I feel like a Debbie Downer because I am still pretty miserable, even in 2nd tri. I'm still exhausted, I'm still nauseous and throwing up, can't eat hardly anything, and now my feet are swollen.
I feel guilty because I still don't like being pregnant.
I like being visibly pregnant, not just looking fat. I've started feeling the baby move which is fantastic.
I'm also looking forward to the BIG u/s in a few weeks.
QOTD: Um....Kind of embarrassing but I am totally LOVING the pregnant sex.
I have always enjoyed it but now it's like so much more!
As far as the baby goes I'm glad to have some energy back and I enjoy feeling movement (at least I think I'm feeling it)
Oh girl, don't you worry. I am just trying to look at the bright side of things, lol. I am still miserable too. Migraines, heartburn, nausea, fatigue...you name it, I still got it. I do NOT like being pregnant and I didn't like it the first time. Thank goodness this is my last bc I couldn't put myself through this again. My body does not enjoy pregnancy! And believe me, I already know it only gets worse for me based on past experience.
I have an appointment tomorrow, and we'll schedule our big u/s! I think that my favorite thing is when dd says that she wants to kiss the baby, and kisses my belly! It's just so sweet! I just hope she's as sweet when the baby actually arrives!
And DH is always wonderful, but he's exceptionally wonderful now, cleaned the entire house this weekend, did all the laundry this weekend (included folding and put it all away)! I just love how he takes extra special care of me when I'm pg!
QOTD: I think I asked this during our 1st trimester and was told to ask again as we progress...so, what is your favorite part of being pregnant now that we have all reached the 2nd trimester?
Now that I am not sick everyday, I love just being pregnant and all the new things that go along with it!! The little movements that I feel kinda freak me out, but I love every second of it!! Not getting too much sleep though!! But I just can't wait to see what happens next on this little adventure!!
QOTD: I think I asked this during our 1st trimester and was told to ask again as we progress...so, what is your favorite part of being pregnant now that we have all reached the 2nd trimester?
Planning the nursery!
Happy Monday everyone! (maybe if I keep saying it I'll start to believe it lol)
QOTD: I'm still waiting to feel LO move (I think I might have felt fluttering last night but I'm not sure)...so I would have to say my favorite part is how close it has brought my fiance and I. I never could have imagined how much being pregnant would affect our relationship. Our relationship was great before but now it's amazing knowing that together we created a new life.
OK - I'm done with the mushy stuff lol.
I think I asked this during our 1st trimester and was told to ask again as we progress...so, what is your favorite part of being pregnant now that we have all reached the 2nd trimester?
Since I had my 2nd appt this morning my favorite part thus far was hearing my baby's heart beating on the doppler for the first time.
Totally adoring studying human behavior as it relates to speculating/finding out when a woman they know is pregnant.
I've had people pretend they knew all along. I've had people make hand motions/gestures to ask if I was pregnant - as if it were the actual words that would make a non-pregnant woman feel bad being asked. I've had people yell "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" in public when I only have a tiny little bump.
It has been fascinating.
I am waiting anxiously to feel kicks!
I have a few favorites. I love that I don't have to clean the litterbox! I love that I can let my gut hang out and not worry about trying to hold it in; now I want to push it out.
I love that I'm in 2nd tri and that the m/c rate has gone way down from 1st tri. I love that my nails are growing faster!
I love not being miserable any more. I am comfortable in my new maternity pants, I've gone several days in a row without throwing up, the headaches are getting much better, and food is tasting better and better. knock on wood
I also love the anticipation of waiting for the LO to move. I felt the tiny popping bubbles sensation once, and now I am constantly on the lookout for any movement out of the ordinary. It has mostly been gas...but I'm ready to feel him/her again.
Happy Monday!
I say that as I'm happy to be a mom-to be, but exhausted! I don't know why I am so fatigued, I don't know if it's gas, not getting enough sleep or what, but it hit me hard yesterday. I'm also happy because I think I felt some fluttering and heartbeats all day long yesterday, but after Saturday's waking up early ready to do housework, I think I may have either worn myself out, gotten too much sleep, or didn't eat enough fruits and veggies and had trapped gas. So tonight is about experimentation. I had a soup and I've got a salad to snack on all day from lunch, I will get a nap in, if I wake up and I'm still tired, I will try a light workout, if I'm still tired, I will consult my doctor, might need some extra iron.
Anyone else exhausted?
Hmm, I guess the major thing I am enjoying the most is the lack of or reduction in morning sickness. It hit me again this morning though.
Now in 2nd Tri my RLP have gotten worse. My back is totally killing me. (See pic in siggy to see why! LOL!) My boobs feel like they are on fire. I am hungry all the time. I get this odd throbbing pain in my lady area from what I assume is the baby doing jumping jacks off my cervix.
Oh, the joys of pregnancy!
I have always been a very selfish person.....so this may sound ironic, but my favorite part of being pregnant is knowing that I am now keeping someone else at the forefront of my mind before I make any decisions. I have also been doing everything in my power to make sure that I do everything the "right" way so my Little Bitty is born healthy. I suppose I'm enjoying putting someone else before myself for the first time!