Anyone else have a BF or DH that thinks they need to be SUPER careful to the point it is getting BORING??? OMG you aren't going to hurt me or the baby...please come back and be the lover that KNOCKED ME UP!!!
Not to mention he won't go down there and do any favors because I am pregnant! He says he keeps thinking the baby is watching him!!! (HI DADDY I SEE YOU!!! WHATCHA DOING???)
I about fell out of the bed laughing!!!!
Thank god for battery operated boyfriends!
HOLY CRAP...I just posted this in the Nursery Decor section! Prego brain in high gear today!!!
Re: Sex is making me yawn!!!!
I yawned looking at the title of this post.
OMG I busted out laughing! My Dh was doing the same thing this past weekend, he was being all gentle & slow!! Finally, I just had to take the lead & get things done right! LOL! Make him be on bottom...