So I work at Home Depot and I was using an air compressor powered cutter to cut some wire shelving for a customer. Dummy me, I have been working with this equipment for over a year and never noticed the piston that pops out of the bottom of the cutters EVERY TIME...So I got hit on top of my bump by a piston with approx 120psi force. Now, this number may sound big but since it wasn't a direct blow, there was some missing air pressure already and the location of the actual blow combined, this really didn't seem like a big deal. I did fill out the accident report just in case baby girl didn't start kicking that evening and I would end up panicing myself into the ER. Well, she kicked a few times right around 10pm which is her 'good morning mom, were you planning on sleeping?' statements...So I was like okay, we are fine no big deal. Then she was kicking today at work, first time ever that she has moved enough for me to feel while I am moving around. So a kick here and there got me through today. Tonight she has been going nuts!
No matter if you call the ask a nurse lines or whatever (which I did, they weren't worried either), I am a worrier and even though I didn't really FEEL worried I apparently was because I totally started crying tonight after feeling her rolling around....Immense relief that I didn't know I was hiding just poured out of me.
So yah, lets all agree to not be clutzy like me for the rest of our pregnancies okay?? At the very least lets all avoid getting gut-shots by pistons...
Re: silly/stupid not very worrisome accident at work
I'm glad your LO is okay and I agree with the sentiment- let's all not be klutzy for the rest of our pregnancies!
::Looks down at feet pointedly::
GL with your feet...I'll be up here working with my brain...I'd have looked at it/glared but my eyes don't roll back that far....