I was never a napper at all but occasionally would nap when DD napped in the afternoon after she was born. I went back to work for 2 months, and for those 2 months I wanted to nap every weekend! Now that I SAH full time, I feel like I'm going to want to nap every day! Even if I get 7 plus hours of sleep at night I still get drowsy when I nurse DD before her afternoon nap. I just can help it but I want to nap every time!!
I don't know why this makes me feel guilty but it does. Anyone else feel this way?
I know I probably shouldn't be guilty, I don't really relax any other time during the day (except for at night) and I do housework, etc every day so it's not like I'm lazy.....Oh yeah, and chase around a 9 month old all day!
Re: Do you nap?
I WISH I could nap. Sadly, I have 2 out of 3 kids that do NOT nap, so I can't get any zzzz's in during the day. The only time I was able to nap was with DD#1. When DD#2 was born, I coordinated their nap schedules the same for a couple of months, and then DD#1 decided that she wasn't going to nap! LOL!
And I wouldn't feel guilty about it though.
I hate the way I feel after naps too, like that first thing in the morning feeling where you can't get going except it's afternoon!
And I did forget to add that DD gets me up very early too. Usually between 5 and 6 every day!
I usually nap for the first 1/2 hour that DD naps. That's all it takes to get rid of that woozy feeling I get from waking up with her at 6 am.
I do feel really guilty -- I always think of the things I could have been doing -- but I honestly see no reason to. If you're sleepy, it's not a moral failing. Just give thanks that you've got a bed nearby and use it!