Well?I took a test this morning 11dpo and got a BFP!
I couldn?t quite believe my eyes so I did a second test and yep ?pregnant? appeared in the test window again. DH and I are very cautiously optimistic.
Now I'm waiting to call the RE this morning because they aren?t open yet. Hopefully they will be able to get me in today so I can get a blood test, some progesterone and lovenox ? the RE?s version of superglue for me. I hope the third time is the charm and this is the one that decides to stick.
Re: Got Superglue?
2 trucks, one with super glue & one with sticky dust are on their way to your house!
Congrats! H&H 9 months!!
holy crap!!! YAY YAY YAY ::rsr is jumping up and down yelling like a crazy woman::::
stick baby stick.
oh so happy for you and dh. what did he say when you told him
praying for you that this one sticks
h and h 9 months to you.
The conversation went something like this. DH was still half asleep. I
Me - Well let's hope the third time is the charm
DH- Sorry no dice huh.
Me - um no it was positive we are pg.
His eyes got as huge as saucers
DH -really? That's awesome, no IVF
Me - So long as this one sticks
Both of us - This one better stick.
Thanks ladies for all of the congratulations. Like I said before, we are cautiously optimistic but for now I'm pregnant.
Woooohoooo!! Congratulations!!!!!
Stick baby stick. See, I knew that O spotting was a good sign.
Filing up our wheelbarrow with sticky dust and borrowing the caulk gun for lots of super glue. I'm sure DH won't mind me borrowing some of his tools for this.
Dare I say it sounds to me like you are PG.
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
omg, how awesome is THIS??????
go superglue!!!!!! i'll be thinking lots of sticky thoughts for you and the LO!
yay, congrats!?