This is the weekly check in post for TTC After 35.
Everyone is welcome to join! Page Hav2run with your
info or add it to the weekly post and I will be happy to
add you. A question of the week will be posted weekly and
everyone is welcome to post their updates for the week here too.
I will try to get the post up on Wednesday nights.
Currently TTC
Nest Name_______Age____Location________TTC since
Mimi525-39, NY, TTC since 9/06
Kimisuejoia-35, UT, TTC since 1/07
Brosis-37, OH, TTC since 2/07
Mel0569-41,KY, TTC since 3/07
gymnst1013-35, PA, TTC since 4/07
FloridaKat-37, FL, TTC since 5/07
Marriedayooper-40, IL, TTC since 7/07
DMD1029-38, DC, TTC since 7/07
BirdieBrd-37, MI, TTC since 9/07
njdcgirl-37, VA, TTC since 9/07
oneandonlyyou-35, NH, TTC since 9/07
NantucketSunset-36, MA, TTC since 9/07
leslieb923-39, CT, TTC since 10/07
DrVWife-36,PA, TTC since 11/07
sel*stella-37, CO, TTC since 11/07
Babsie7-35, CA, TTC since 11/07
onemorelittleone-37, NJ,TTC since 1/08
bklynbridecesh-38, NY, TTC since 1/08
QE2-38, NJ, TTC since 3/08
FrannyS- 39, PA, TTC since 3/08
rsrn02-36, CA, TTC since 3/08
wiscgirl95-35, WI, TTC since 3/08
panda246-39, PA, TTC since 3/08
Lucky&Lola-35, LA, TTC since 4/08
lilacfritz-36, NY, TTC since 6/08
saverchic-34, IL, TTC since 7/08
pnltybox-37, NJ, TTC since 8/08
Stacia1633-39, MI, TTC since 8/08
akgram-35, IA, TTC since 8/08
OscarQ-35, DE, TTC Since 8/08
LizzyB11-38, IN, TTC since 9/08
ChartBart-39, NM, TTC since 9/08
rlkjos-35, NC, TTC since 9/08
rebelina1-35, CO, TTC since 9/08
mscandyman-37, VA, TTC since 9/08
Dochas-39, NJ, TTC since 09/08
Shyntrue-41, OH, TTC since 10/08
nuit- CA, TTC since 10/08
CCbanana-32, NE, TTC since 10/08
ColoradoMelissa-35, CO, TTC since 11/08
bcn68-40, CA, TTC since 11/08
Momagain2009-36, PA, TTC since 11/08
Baze2-38, OH, TTC since 12/08
annies123-36, LA, TTC since 12/08
itsmexine-38, CO, TTC since 12/08
Joyfulnature, 39, PA, TTC since 12/08
CathyMD-38, Canada TTC since 1/09
HollyMichael-38, IL, TTC since 1/09
GymDogFran-39, GA, TTC since 1/09
L2theC42-36, PA, TTC since 1/09
kat28655-34, NC TTC since 1/09
funegirl- 39, OH, TTC since 1/09
ecu1995-35, NC, TTC since 2/09
hav2run-39, OH, TTC since 2/09
MrsPeachyKeen-35, GA TTC since 2/09
ecu1995-35,TTC since 2/09
taratru-35, CO, TTC since 2/09
NowDNAtoo-38, VA, TTC since 3/09
Julia-Henry-39, NY, TTC since 4/09
shells035-37, NY, TTC since 4/09
amnda1130-34, IL, TTC since 4/09
AnotherChance-36, FL, TTC since 4/09
aubie96-34, AL, TTC since 4/09
Mrs.BoomBoom-34, CA, TTC since 5/09
princess_shelly-35, CA, TTC since 5/09
nikkiw421-36, MI, TTC since 5/09
sadiesadie-41,CO, TTC since 05/09
Irishsapphire-37, WA, TTC since 6/09
Lakesbride- VA, TTC since 06/09
DoubleFlyaway-31, MI/DC, TTC since 06/09
ExAngel-35, CO, TTC since 06/09
DinaLINY-40, NY, TTC since 6/09
JillAly-41, NYC, TTC since 7/09
TTC over 35 Mommies to be: Success Stories!
***Please let me know when I can add you to this list!
I won't add you until you ask me to***
Nest Name AGE EDD TTC Since
Lebraly-36, MD, TTC since 9/08 BFP 4/09
livvielo-36, NJ, TTC since 1/08 BFP 4/09
Married2MrWright-34,OK, TTC since 3/09 BFP 5/09 EDD 1/31/10
Sassystace-34, OH, TTC since 4/09 BFP 5/09
Indianasunshine-39, TX, TTC since 11/07 BFP 5/09 EDD 1/23/10
NHnative-37, MA, TTC since 6/08, BFP 4/09 EDD 1/28/10
Dreaming again: What plans are you making for your future baby? Are you buying things yet? Reading up on baby raising?
Do you plan for any alternative birth methods? Tell us how you envision life to be after you get your BFP!
Don't forget those updates. Who is in the 2WW? When are you
planning to test? O dates? Post those BFPs here!
Whatever you want to talk about!
I am running out of topics...PM me with any QOTW topics you want to see on here!
Congrats to CathyMD on your pregnancy! Happy and healthy wishes for you and your baby!
I try to catch the updates on the check in posts. My apologies If I miss anyone.
If I miss your update or your add me request, please post again or PM me. I am
having an insanely busy summer!

Re: ~*~*~Weekly Check In---8/27/09~*~*~
Let's see...I'm 4dpo, so I've got a while to wait. Lame. I'm hopeful...our timing was good this month.
QOTW: The only concrete plan we have at this point is finishing the basement before the next baby comes. We're also hopeful because of a pretty substantial raise I got for this coming school year, to have all of our debt (other than mortgage and student loans) paid off by April/May. I would love more than anything to have all of that happen before a new baby comes.
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
RE wants me to test on Monday, but I'm 10dpiui today and I'm sure I'll test before then. Not feeling it though.
I'm actually not making any plans yet and definitely not buying anything. One, since we'll have things from DS, but two our cc bills the past couple months were huge and we're trying to cut back, especially with me not working. I would love to try for a natural birth this time since I was induced with DS.
Hi ladies!
It's been a while since I've posted has been CRAZY! Lots of travel for work (once a month, every month since April and it continues through October).
I am firmly in the second tri and my bump has "popped" in the last week. Pic on my Pregosaur blog (link in my siggy below) is developing well, passed the Quad Screen (skipped the NTScan because of a miscommunication at the doc's office) and have our Big U/S on 09.11.09. Doc thinks we're having a girl (she does an u/s at every appt.) but we're hoping to have a better view ourselves in Sept.
Anyway, I am full nest mode and trying not to be overwhelmed by getting ready for baby )boy, they sure do need a lot of stuff)!
TTC/PG Blog | Mommy Blog
In the 2ww but not too hopeful since we only got to BD one time during my peak. Uggh.
I don't really let myself doing any planning. I am not buying or learning about anything baby. I don't want to jinx anything and seeing stuff around the house would depress me. That may sound terrible but after TTC for 17 cycles and no BFP (not to mention pushing 40), I am thinking parenthood may not be in the cards for us.
Feeling a little "poor me" today but then again I am due for AF Monday and no PMS or signs yet!
B2B IUIs on Saturday and Sunday. My right ovary is not really responding to the Bravelle and I have one 19mm follie on the left. But, all it takes is one!!
I have not purchased anything and I won't until we are well into the third trimester. But, I have everything left from my son who is only 2 & 1/2.
MAH123-35, TN, TTC since 04/08
Had our 1st US/E2 on wed (cd 8) and everything looked good. 3 eggs at 11 and E2 236. My RE wsa concerned I might overstim, so this was good news. Back tomorrow for another check and I suspect we'll IUI on Mon or Tues. It's very strange to be doing IUI after all of the rounds of IVF and FET...
QOTW: Too paranoid to think that far in advance.
In the 2ww but don't have high hopes. DH was sick just before my peak and we only BD twice. But seeming how I may have had a chem pg last cycle, it may not be such a bad thing to skip a cycle.
I haven't bought or thought of baby shopping 'cause I don't want to jinx myself. Although I do admit to thinking about possible names.
I'm out for this cycle since we didn't have any embies to transfer. We will try the longer protocol next cycle to see if we can make some eggs!
I'm not making any plans other than drooling over nursery pics and websites.
Good luck to all!
Temp is dropping... feeling like AF is on the way. On to next cycle.
QOTW - no plans yet.
update: first and hopefully only IUI in progress. just started AF yest so cd2 for me. start Femara tomorrow. then follie check on 9/8 then ???
QOTW: Not planning on buying anything until i get BFP and well into 13th wk. after 18 months of trying no longer thinking about labor and baby only thinking about getting pregnant and staying pregnant. i'm afraid we'll jinx ourselves
TTC: Darker lines on OPK's - I might find myself in the 2ww soon...for the first time since April! Hubby and I are humpin every 2-3 days just to practice anyways so regardless of the ttc factor, we are having fun.
QOTW: I just had a little one, so I am not really needing to puchase anything. I do a little name dreaming and admit to a gender wish should I get blessed with #4.
Today I am 13 DPO, and I got a BFN! I just started to see a little spotting, so I am a little blue.
I don't think anything will change when we get a BFP, only if it happens to be a girl.
Tonight we are going to a private party @ six flags magic mountain, tomorrow is a fantasy football draft party, Sunday taking J to get his pics done! Busy Busy Busy
Update: Had cd9 u/s and have 5 follies. Will trigger and have b2b IUI in the next few days. Lining was poor so hoping that shapes up. Hopefully, we will have a better post wash count this time. Also, we will have more targets this round. Fingers crossed.
QOTW: I have nothing planned. Frankly, I am starting to lose hope and I don't want to focus too much on anything baby related. I don't want to set myself up for even more disappointment if this doesn't happen for us. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but this is how I feel.
I am waiting to O and enjoying jumping Mr Hav2run (poor guy doesn't know what hit him) on a regular basis right now. DD is compliant and goes to bed before 8 pm. Bow chicka bow wow.....
QOTW: I am just dreaming of names. If I get pg this cycle I am so hoping for a girl (is that wrong?) because having a girl in the summer means not having to buy anything except for some NB/small cloth diapers. I am CDing with DD and I LOVE it. I will take whatever is in the plans for us.
BEST wishes to everyone. Hurry, go drink the water here. CathyMD really started a trend.