Georgia Babies

halloween costumes non clicky poll

what is your child going to be?

Are you making it or buying it?

if you are buying it where are you purchasing it from?

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Re: halloween costumes non clicky poll

  • i want jax to be a kangaroo.  bru had the costume last year.  i am going tomorrow to see if they have it yet. 
  • Mine are going to be Thing One and Thing Two from The Cat in the Hat, and I'm going as The Cat.  I bought a onesie for William and a tee shirt for Elizabeth at a place in California earlier this year.

    If I had more time, I'd make costumes, but I just don't have it in me this year.  Next year I may make garden gnome costumes for them both.

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  • Ava is going to be a flower.  I found the costume at a consignment sale a couple of weeks ago.  It was $3.  It still has the tags on.  Can't beat that!


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  • If she is born before Halloween (EDD is the 30th), then she is going to be a jack-o-lantern.  I found a onesie at a consignment sale way back in like April and I picked it up knowing our EDD was the 30th and hoping she would be able to wear it.  It was i think $3 and I got a pair of black pants to go with it. 

    Next year I plan to go to the Gwinnett Co. Fair grounds again for their huge consignment sale in August and pick her costume up there (hopefully for really cheap again).  Maybe when she starts to get bigger I will try to make a costume for her, but I am sure that I will end up spending more on the materials to make a costume (that she will only end up wearing for 1 day and 1 year) than I would if I just bought one at a consignment sale.  So we shall see. 

  • Abigail's going to be Little Red Riding Hood. I'm buying the costume at


    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Caroline is wearing a costume that I got on clearance at Gymboree last year.  It is an orange and black fairy type thing with wings.  It has black and orange polka dot tight that go with it - it's so cute!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lily  pie Second Birthday tickers
  • Aerin is going to be lamb (I'm making hers) and Alec is going to be a Lion (which I'm buying but don't know where yet)

    If we hadn't moved, my husband was going to go as Ponch from Chips (looks just like him) and Alec was going to go as John Baker...:)  We don't have any big parties to go to this year, so we will save this for when we move back to Atlanta.


  • We don't celebrate Halloween, but MIL bought a penguin costume for the baby...I went and exchanged it for a size that should fit for Purim. If you're going to buy (not sure what age you are looking for)...Carter's costumes are already on sale.
    The Knot won't share my Bump Siggy, so here's the low-down: 4/27/07 - Got engaged! 8/31/08 - Got married (to my best friend)! 12/30/08 - Got Pregnant! 9/3/09 - Welcome to the world, Elias Solomon! 8/16/10 - Got Pregnant, again! 5/14/11 - Welcome to the world, Talia Hadassah! 1/14/12 - Ready or not, here comes #3 (EDD 9/27/12)
  • I do not have a clue yet.  I was going to have them be a monkey and banana but I haven't liked any monkey costumes that I've seen so far this year.  I did find a Halloween sleeper that I may just get for Noah since he'll be at most a couple of weeks old.  Whatever B will be, I will be buying!
  • As of right now, a zombie is our front runner. Not sure if she'll let us put all the make-up on her. :)

    Still examining other options...

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I'm not 100% sure.  I think Emma wants to be a Werewolf or a Witch.  I wanted to coordinate their outfits, like Dorothy and Toto but Emma looked at me like I had 12 eyes when I suggested that to her and said "because Dorothy is scary?"  smartasss.
  • Right now I have 3 front runners:  Princess and Prince (or Frog Prince), Raggedy Ann and Andy, or Max and Ruby (they are bunnies, big sister and baby brother in lots of books and a TV show on Noggin). 

    Whenever I ask Doodle what she wants to be she says a Princess...and Darren can by my Prince.  So...that may be what we go as, good news there she was a princess last year and the costume still we'd just have to get brother a prince costume.  I will be buying for sure, i'm not crafty at all.  We got her princess costumer last year at BRU.

  • I have no idea.  DH wants us to go as Luke, Leia, and and Ewok, but I think Caroline would be cuter is Yoda.

    I also would rather her dress up as something cute and girly. Last year she was a pea pod and it was soooo cute.  

    I was thinking of dressing her as a peacock because of the way she struts around, but I have no idea how to go about that....

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  • DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba.  So he'll be "Yo Gavin Gavin"- get it???  Eh eh?  Clever, no?

    It depends.  I found one online for about $30, but I've also seen plenty that are home made that are just as cute.  So, it just depends on how much time I have.  If we get to October 1 and I haven't found time to start putting it together, then I will just order it.







  • slw if you do that it will pretty much be the best costume ever.  I can't wait to see pics!
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  • JoJo, there are definitely cute peacock costumes out there!  I have seen them at PBK and maybe 

    Traci, I posted separately for you, but I have the monkey and banana costumes probably in the correct sizes if you'd like them!

    Jack and Ethan are going to be a fireman and dalmation puppy this year :)

    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • Snow White....if we can keep the costume in working order, she wnats to put it on daily.  Got it at Costco!


  • At daycare, they played dress up one day and dressed him as a Penguin and showed me some pictures and he looked adorable! I am going to dress him as a Penguin, if I can find the costume.
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