So I am testing tomorrow! I am 12 dpo and my temps have not dropped. We are going to the Finger Lakes for a winetasting weekend and I thought I better know for sure if I am KU or not before I start throwing back the vino! AF is supposed to arrive this weekend (perfect! not.). I am having mixed emotions about possibly being pregnant...if I am that would be awesome but how in the he!! do I hide it from 4 other couples for an entire weekend? We are all staying in a B&B together and have to plans to drink ALL weekend. I am not sure that the "Um, I am just goiing to have water." is going to hold them off very long. And did I mention that half of one of these couples is my SIL...who will notice the slightest bit of me not drinking. Ugh! but Yay!
Re: testing tomorrow!
She would be on me like white on rice! A couple of months ago, she and her BF were over for dinner and DH opened a bottle of wine. I nursed a small glass for the whole night...she noticed immediately and asked if I was pregnant. I was not...just did not feel like drinking...but she pestered me for two days about it!
Good luck!!
Have fun in the Finger Lakes area. That is where I got engaged!