


since our babes are a day apart - are you doing solids yet?  I started Natalie on Tuesday (her 5 month bday).  doctor rec doing it by spoon only.  i was going to wait until 6 mnths like I did with Blaire, but he rec. starting now.

Also - thanks for the caption for Natalie's picture.  She won a photo contest with it.  $250 plane ticket.  !!!!!!!!

Re: bellisimo

  • OMG, you have a little model on your hands!  Glad I could help with the caption.  That pic embodies everything that summertime is to me!  Love lounging in the pool! 

    We have started solids BUT DD is really weird about certain things.  For instance, she's never been able to get the hang of sucking a paci which is fine by me.  She also had a hard time with bottle nipples too...and to this day still has a sensitive gag reflex.  So, having said that, she is having issues taking food from a spoon.  Since she's a reflux baby that takes her bottles thickened with rice her pedi. suggested adding a little fruit, etc. to her bottle twice a day.  So, that has helped but we're still working on the spoon!

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