I know I shouldn't be frustrated yet but I am. I'm not getting any younger. Not great news, so DH and I had TI last night as "prescribed." That was fine, however, my largest follie is only an 8....I should have ovulated TODAY. So, it's obvious that that's not going to happen. The RE said it's odd and that he's hoping I didn't O early, he would be unimpressed if I did. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
So, I'm supposed to take 100 mg of Clomid today, tomorrow and Saturday...go back on Monday for another ultrasound but if I O, then my luteal phase will be really short so I'll be put on progesterone immediately. I have very low hopes this cycle. I just want to go back to bed.
Re: RE visit.
Your follie wont be mature unless its at least 16 so you dont want to ovulate now. Do you usually O early and if so I wonder if your RE can put you on ganirelix to let the little guy get to a decent size?
So sorry. Did they do b/w to see where your levels are at?? My nurse called me today and I questioned whether or not we would miss the 18mm follie and I would ovulate early (before we do the IUI). She said my levels are not indicating I am near ovulating at this point, so I still have a couple of days.
All hope is not gone for this month. Maybe your follies just need the extra push!!!
Oh, and I get the age thing too---turned 37 a couple of months ago myself.