When I went in this past Sunday for Day 4 check, my rt ovary had 9 follies, the left had 4. I went in today for B/W, U/S and SHG. The follies on the rt--the largest was 12mm. However, the left ovary (that had four) follie measured at 18mm. My doc said it is responding better than he thought and I have to go back in tomorrow morning again.
Then, he did the SHG, there is no scar tissue or anything left behind from the m/c & d/c in June!!!
Can anyone tell me what mm they like to see the follies get to when they will do IUI?
Also, my H S/A numbers came back much better than before. He went from 35 million to 95 million. Motility was 35%, and now it is 80%, however, the morph stayed the same at 1%. But, we are only focusing on the fantastic improvement!!!!
Re: Follies
Everything is sounding really great! I wish you the best with your IUI!
What day are you on?? What are you using ie FSH, Clomid? My follies are this size with Bravelle. Otherwise, I would be no where near this---I'm sure.
Good Luck with them growing to ripe, large numbers!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies!! This is truly one of the best board here!!!
Good Luck to all of you as well.
good luck
glad numbers are better. think of this way. although your morph is 1% thats 1% of 95 million.
I think they like them at around 18-22.