Elizabeth will not let go and walk on her own yet, but she is running around behind her walking toys and whenever she's holding our hands. I got her a little pair of Robeez to wear for daycare and when she's outside or in public so she has some protection for her feet. I just worry that they aren't very supportive or structured.
Can I just wait on the shoe thing until she's actually walking unassisted?
Re: When to switch to "real" shoes?
Polly wore these when she was learning to walk. BEST. SHOES. EVER. I miss these shoes. I bought her pair on sale, but here is a linky.
Martha, what makes those the best shoes ever, other than being called Pollywog?
Well, I liked that they were laces instead of velcro. Also, they fit P really well and seemed to conform to her foot. I liked that the rubber from the sole came up around the top of the toes. I also really liked the colors and they matched most of her clothes and she even looked cute in them with dresses even though they are sneakers. Polly seemed really comfy in the shoes and they held up really well at daycare and playing. I was very sad when they were outgrown.
DD- 9
c/p- April 2016
missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016
stride rites are great. We picked up one for william when he was learning to walk and I think that helped him a lot with his balance. Coincidence maybe but we are a firm believer of investing in good shoes while learning to walk. Hey as an adult, u don't want an uncomfortable shoes too right?
Geneva wore Pedipeds up until about 10.5 months. I got her into a pair of Stride Rite "pre-walkers." Those were awesome. I managed to catch one of the Buy One, Get One Half Off sales and paid $70 for two pairs. They were soft and flexible and easy for her to crawl and walk in. She finally outgrew them around 14 months and I put her in a pair of Livie & Luca's.
Here's the SRs. They're called Soft Motion.
Polly's Polliwogs from SR were also prewalkers, only those were the ones on sale and they laced up vs velcro.
I put Tess in Pedipeds at about 10 mos. She only wears them to MDO and when we're out doing whatever. At home she's always barefoot. I LOVE them.