Georgia Babies


Hey Laura! How are you feeling these days?
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: ***cookielady***

  • You're sweet to ask.  The nausea is subsiding, but I still find myself eating almost all the time to help it.  :)  Had our first appointment last week and had the first ultrasound.  That's just cool!  I'm only 9 weeks and already finding that I only have a few pairs of pants that fit, my hips are quickly disappearing, and my gut won't suck in anymore.

    We told the inlaws this past weekend.  They are thrilled as the "baby" just started Kindergarten this year.  I'm "coming out" at school tomorrow during our staff meeting.  Can't wait!  I've been at the same school for 13 years now and they have been anxiously awaiting this since I got married over 6 years ago.

    Looking forward to my next appointment on 9/23.  The advantages of being AMA, another ultrasound!  I'll be sure to keep you updated.


    photos by Jody Lynn Photography

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • awww!  Let us know how your coming out goes!   
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  • That's so exciting, Laura! 
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