Georgia Babies

CHOA is just so awesome!!

On Friday, after the neurosurgeon referred us to his helmet guy--who manually does everything, I remembered that CHOA had said there was a cutting edge facility in Orlando.  I pulled out that peice of paper and that facility was able to see us today for a second opinion on Aerin's head and was able to do a digital scan.  Aerin's helmet will be here in 6 days.

The reason why CHOA is so awesome is that, the orthodist that saw us today said the lady who founded the Star Cranium of Excellence centers (only 3 in the country) started everything at CHOA. She is the expert in this area of healthcare.

I'm so glad that CHOA had told us about this facility otherwise Aerin would getting a helmet fitted the old fashion way with plaster.

I miss the healthcare in Atlanta--so much better than here in FL :(

Re: CHOA is just so awesome!!

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