I know some of you FB friends saw the new pics of tater tot on FB but there is a reason why. This weekend we had a little scare of some bleeding. If your interested at all you can read the details in my blog. If anyone has experience with Placenta previa good/bad I would love to hear your stories.
Re: Update on Tater tot
This will likely be TMI, so I apologize in advance...
When I was 9 weeks my husband and I experienced our own scare. We'd done the deed and immediately afterwards I started gushing blood that was bright red. I freaked out, called the OB who was wonderful, but couldn't really do anything except recommend that I come in the next morning for an U/S. I went in the next morning, with baited breath scared to death of what we wouldn't see and thank goodness, Nate was fine..but I was diagnozed with placenta previa. The only real restriction was that we couldn't have sex until I was about 20 weeks along (which was fine since I felt like poo anyway) As you can see, Nate was born fine with no complications and after the 20 week mark, things were fine.
Good luck!
At my 20 week appt. with J, the dr informed me that I had partial pp. He told me that that wasn't unusual for a woman who's had a previous c-section to have pp or partial pp the second pregnancy, third, etc. He put me on pelvic rest for 6 weeks. He re-did the u/s at 26 weeks and the placenta had moved away from my cervix. I'm glad to read that the baby is doing well.
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008