3rd Trimester

Grrr...cat vent

Background: cramped living situation with my mother and her 3 cats.

We've had a constant problem with one of the cats peeing on the floor a couple times per week.  This has been super-irritating, but I've been trying not to let it drive me crazy.

Within the last week, this cat has been waiting till DH and I get home (around 10:00 pm, so my mother is already in bed) and peeing AND pooping right in front of the front door.  It's like she's trying to get us to step in it! (and sometimes we do--the lights are really dim right there).  B!tch!!  To top it off, now she's waiting till my mother leaves and doing it AGAIN late morning!!

So now there's a GIANT puddle of pee that has migrated across the unlevel floor and I'm trying to get myself to go out and clean it without having an anxiety attack--I'm just really stressed about dealing with this with a newborn.  Not to mention, who wants to have tummy time when you don't know what's on the floor? 

I know she's a cat.  I don't hate her.  She has limited ways of expressing her emotions.  Yelling at her will only make things worse.  But d@mnit!!!  She drives me crazy.

Re: Grrr...cat vent

  • Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.
  • Has your mom taken the cat to the vet?  Could be a bladder infection or other medical reason why she's not using the litter box

    And are the litter boxes being cleaned regularly?  Are they in a quiet place?  Has the brand of litter change recently?  Is there enough boxes/litter for 3 cats?  There's a ton of reasons why a cat will suddenly stop using her litter box.  Your mom should be looking into that.

    In the mean time, go to a pet store and get some enzyme cleaner.  Steam clean and use the enzyme soap as much as possible to get any odors out.  (If your pets smell the urine, they'll continue to go there.)  Also, there's this de-stress spray we used with our cat (can't remember the name).  Helped him to quit marking in our living room

    Good luck  :)

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  • imageToledoDeux:
    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    Ditto.  Also, she might just be pissed off about all the changes taking place in her home.

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  • imageToledoDeux:
    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    This, and then if she's just being a hoebag, put some foil down right there (they don't like to stand on it because it's slippery) and then get a water pistol and shoot her everything she goes near the door.

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  • imageToledoDeux:
    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    You're right...I'm going to bring this up.  Thank you.  I'm still not feeling very positive about it because she did the pooping thing for about 2 years straight (in good health).  She stopped the pooping on the floor thing for a long time.  :/  I hope there's something we can make better for her.

  • imageToledoDeux:
    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    Agreed.. my cat was doing thin and I took him to they vet only to find out he had a blockage and it was causing an infection and could kill him.. Also my other cat did this and she had kiddney stones... I would take her to the vet

  • imagePizzaBride:

    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    Ditto.  Also, she might just be pissed off about all the changes taking place in her home.

    My uncle is a vet, and he says that cats do not act out like this because they are angry or upset with their humans.  We were having an issue with our cat pottying outside the litter box, and it can be any number of real issues.  She may be sick; she may feel threatened when trying to use the litter box; even small changes such as using a different litter or deoderizor can cause her not to use the litter  box.  As other's have said, contact her vet.

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  • imagekiki4:

    Has she been to see a vet about this?  If a cat is sick, they have limited ways to communicate this to their people - and this is one of the major ways.

    Ditto.  Also, she might just be pissed off about all the changes taking place in her home.

    My uncle is a vet, and he says that cats do not act out like this because they are angry or upset with their humans.  We were having an issue with our cat pottying outside the litter box, and it can be any number of real issues.  She may be sick; she may feel threatened when trying to use the litter box; even small changes such as using a different litter or deoderizor can cause her not to use the litter  box.  As other's have said, contact her vet.

    Ditto.  I don't like when people chalk it up to being "pissed off" or vengeful.  If it's not a physical cause, it's most likely anxiety for some reason - some change in the household or change to routine. 

  • Thank you--you're all right, and she's probably not being a douchebag--it just feels that way. 

    My mom and DH are the litter changers (since I'm not supposed to), and I know it hasn't always been taken care of as well as it should, but lately, they've really been on top of it.  We have 4 large litter boxes in the basement--is this enough?

    I'm definitely going to get her in to see the vet.  I don't want her to be sick, but I hope there's something they can do to help because this is really driving me crazy.  

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