3rd Trimester

Don't put that on me

My sister keeps saying things like, you don't seem that excited to me?  Why aren't you giddy, etc.  It is beginning to get to me.

I am excited.  Cautiously excited.  I'm also scared, overwhelmed, stressed, feel like crap and am anxious and exhausted.

I hate that she makes me feel like I'm not having the appropriate response.  She did this to me on my wedding day too.  Just cause I wasn't bouncing off the walls and shrieking with joy, she assumed I wasn't happy.

Don't monitor my feelings by what you think my reactions should look like.

Re: Don't put that on me

  • I hear you. Not everyone expresses emotions the same way.  I am also a bit quiet about things which leads people to believe I'm not excited, but I am!

    Sorry you are having to deal with an insensitive sister.  Just try to remember that you know how you feel and it doesn't matter if your sister can "see it" or not!

  • Don't you hate that!

    My sister did that to me at my shower! She said, "you didnt seem that excited to get the stroller from me!"...I was honestly trying not to favor any presents over another so no one got their feeling hurt!

    What can ya do though! Everyone has different reactions! Try not to let her make you feel like you aren't reacting correctly! Easier said than done though I guess!

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  • Seems like some people just want your personality to be the same as theirs. Those people suck...
  • Thats got to be annoying. Whenever you see her you should act so overly excited that it would emberass(sp?) even the craziest of people. Then maybe she will stop with the comments. Just a thought. I am the same way. Very reserved about the whole thing. Once he is here then I will be the happy go lucky mommy but until then........

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  • I agree with the "cautiously excited". Lately ive been freaking out to say the least about the upcomming addition to our family. Of course im happy about it, but the nerves get the best of me.

    Your an adult and know what your feeling, she doesnt need to always put in her 2 cents.

  • I hear ya.  I'm excited to be starting our family and can't wait for LO to be here, but I have a hard time be excited for L & D.  I didn't stop vomiting all day until week 24.  I feel like there's so much to get ready and figure out -  like finances.  I'm just not one of those glowing pg women and I'm ok with that.   
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