3rd Trimester

moving slowly

I am truely amazed with how our bodies know what going on. There is a huge difference between me running around work yesterday and today not wanting to move an inch. I can barely walk today due to the pressure and the stiffness in my body. I hurt almost everywhere. Even feeling my LO move around in my body feel awkward. I told my boss that I am not sure if I am going to make it till next week and told him that I have done everything I can to prepare those who are taking over my job. I just don't feel right today. Last night was one of the most painful nights ever even after taking tylenol. I don't want to push myself to much but I the same time I am also trying not to overreact. As for the nesting phase, I don't ever think it phase me at all. Her room and everything has been done for weeks and the rest of the house is basically picked up and maintain. Our bedroom on the other hand is a horrible. Maybe I can get to that this weekend. Wish me luck!

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