So I have a cold and I'm miserable.
I know that sudafed, cepacol and tylenol pm are OK to take during pregnancy. But for some reason I can't make myself to take these pills -I'm paranoid that it's not good for the baby. I'm not comfortable knowing that evry medication I take the baby will get as well.
Re: I'm sick :(
Try getting a humidfier or jumping in a nice steamy shower to help a stuffed up nose and chest. I haven't tried them, but I've heard a netti pot also works wonders.
For a sore throat, try gargling with warm salt water. Or drinking some tea with honey (or warm water with honey or lemon if you're worried about herbs/caffiene/whatev with the tea).
Otherwise, good ol' rest and plenty of liquids
Hope you feel better soon!
I know its hard, but that is something that you just have to get over.... if it will bring you relief, and the docs have ok'd it, then I would take it. Otherwise, you are going to be even more miserable than you started out being, just by being pregnant. My two cents...
Feel better soon!
Me too
Being sick in the summer is the worst anyway, nevermind while preggo. . . .
I'm not taking anything either, just drinking a ton of water and oj and my prenatals and hoping it will go away soon. Maybe I'll get some soup and/or green tea later today.
I actually forgot to take my prenatals for two days last week and I think that's how I got this cold. Maybe its in my head but the only times I've gotten sick have been after I've forgotten to take them.
I hope you feel better!
I totally forgot about the netti pot and gargling w/salt water! They do usually help for me, I'm trying that when I go home later.