I had my 38 week appt yesterday and the dr. said that I am 2cm dialated 50% effaced and LO is at -3.. I haven't started having any real contractions yet, however I think I am starting to lose my MP (maybe TMI, sorry!)
I still have 14 days left, so we will see! My sister's guess on when LO comes is this Friday, maybe she will be right?!?!?
Re: 38wk appt, no one thinks I will make it to EDD
I hope that it's getting close for you. However, don't get too excited just yet. As you know, some women walk around dilated for weeks before their LO decides to make his/her appearance. And, losing your MP isn't an indicator that it will happen soon. I lost mine at 36 weeks with DD and was induced weeks later.
Regarless, progress is exciting!
At 36 weeks I was 3cm 80%
At 37 weeks I was 5cm 80%
Little Nathan came at 38 weeks! Progress is progress, and whether or not your LO comes early is one thing, but I had a quick and easy delivery because I was halfway there! So thumbs up to dilation!!! GL!
I had a similar appointment today as well. I am a "loose 2 cm"--just about 3 and 30% effaced. My doctor said she isn't even sure if I'll make it to my next appointment.
Good luck to you! When the baby is ready, there is no stopping him/her!
I've been losing my plug for a few days. I was at 1 cm 70% effaced at 34 wks. I have made it to 1.5cm 80% effaced -1 station as of last Monday.
As my doctor is fond of saying at every appointment.... "You could have your baby tomorrow or in a few weeks".
I hope the "waiting time" goes fast for you! You will be holding your baby before you know it. Just keep in mind that dilation, effacement, losing the plug etc don't necessarily mean you are about to go into labor.
Darn doctors, always getting our hopes up!! LOL Gotta love progress!