My 40wk appt. isn't until Friday (Dr is out of the office). Patience has NEVER been a virtue of mine. Now I get it....I use to think the elders were whining and should enjoy the time and excitement before LO arrives. So naive!
Thanks for letting me whine!
Re: Am I a complete Hole-of-A$$ for thinking I'll die if he is not here by end of August?
I used to be the same way. I don't think anyone understands how uncomfortable it gets at the end until they finally make it there. GL with your appt.
:::Sprinkling Labor dust over post::::
I used to roll my eyes at women who were begging their doctors to be induced. After a weekend of false labor and the beginning of the "have you had the baby yet???" phone calls, I can now sympathize.
::nods in agreement::
GL ::dumps extra labor dust on post::