I just want to whine for a minute. That's all. I'm absolutely miserable and it seems like the list of things that are making me miserable is growing by the day. A week or so ago I caught a cold from my daughter. That has turned into bronchitis and even though I have finished a z-pack, I still can't kick it. Hmmm, maybe if I could sleep for more than an hour at night without waking up I would feel better, but nope...I wake up at least every hour if not more. Last Friday I woke up with horrendous pain in both of my legs, right below my calves. My doctor suggested a massage and to soak my legs and possibly even compression stockings. Yeah, those will look great with my capris and flip flops in this 600 degree heat here! Over the weekend I got a nice itchy rash all over my belly. Yeah, it's probably PUPPPS from what I have read. And yesterday at my perinatologist visit, my blood pressure was 150/98. Seriously? What is going to be next?
If you opened this post and read it, thanks. I'm sure there are many of you here that can relate. It's a good thing that my first pregnancy was nothing like this, because Rylie would probably be an only child!
Thanks for letting me whine. I'm just so exhausted lately I don't know what to do anymore and just wanted to get that off my chest.
Re: How many more "ailments" will I get before this is over?
I know how you feel. I've had a stomach virus twice, a trip to L & D due to a pre-e scare, "headaches of an unknown origin" according to a neurologist, partial previa, and "edema of an unknown origin" despite having HBP spikes.
It's annoying and this is my first. If I weren't an only child myself I would consider the possibility of LO being an only child.