3rd Trimester

How do you feel about H1N1 and

having an infant in the heart of flu season??

What precautions will you take??

Re: How do you feel about H1N1 and

  • I am getting a little nervous.  I have 2 children that are in elementary school and so they might be exposed more.  We just need to make sure everyone is washing their hands and basic hygiene.  I probably won't be going out to much, plus with it being cold I won't want to go out much. 
  • small porks!
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  • I just read the earlier post - so I am not the only one freaking out!?
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will ha
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a better
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a better idea
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a better idea
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a better idea on
  • I'm nervous about it. I'm a teacher so I am exposed to a lot. I'll just have to watch, wash my hands, and be cautious. Hoping by the time I return in November they will have a better idea on it.
  • I'm getting a little nervous, too.  I'm an elementary teacher, so would worry about getting sick anyway, but the all the renewed talked about H1N1 makes me even more worried.  I plan on a getting a regular flu shot this year, and if an H1N1 vaccine becomes available (my OB doesn't think it will) then I'll get that, too.

    What about our new babies, though?  Will they get h1n1 vaccines, too?  When its such a new vaccine?  What does everyone think?

  • Sorry about the 50 million posts... Not sure why it did that. Tried to delete them and it won't let me.
  • I'm hoping I can squeeze in the "regular" flu shot before I quit my job, otherwise DH and I will get one at the doctor's office.

    Last year my niece was born in November and they wouldn't let anyone touch her unless they bathed in sanitizer, so we may just follow suit with that, since the family was already trained last year. Smile

    DH & I compromised that we would attend December holiday events but that those who held her at those events could not be visibily sick, and wash their hands before touching her.

    And we'll be sort of quarantining her from our cousins' kids who are daycare-age until she gets her vaccinations. (Not against daycare, but once my niece and other young cousins went they seem to constantly have runny noses and whatnot.) Once she gets her shots it's on for playtime.

  • I'm a little nervous in general about having a baby in Oct, at the beginning of cold/flu season.  Really has nothing to do with it being H1N1, any flu/cold sucks for a newborn.  So, we'll just be careful about taking her out, no sick visitors, Purell for all, etc. but nothing really different than we would do for any newborn no matter when they were born.
  • That is my concern. I am not as worried about contracting it myself as I am if he were to get it. I think I will be very strict about people holding him and kissing on him, and I'll probably just try and keep him out of the public as much as possible. I am hoping the media build up and predictions will all fall short and it will fizzle out instead of spread!?
  • imageMilwaukeeMom:

    What about our new babies, though?  Will they get h1n1 vaccines, too?  When its such a new vaccine?  What does everyone think?

    Nope, generally babies that young don't even get the regular flu shot.  I think the youngest they can get it is 6 months.

  • Breastfeeding..... it will do wonders for my baby's immunity. I sure hope I can successfully breastfeed :)
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  • We are still trying to decide, but if the vaccine becomes available, we (my husband, daughter and I) will most likely get it.  My daughter is in daycare and she is always bringing something home.  I have to protect her little brother as much as we possibly can.  Although he'll be going to daycare at two months and he won't be vaccinated, so it may not matter if the rest of us are vaccinated.  Like I said, we are still trying to decide.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.  I will also talk to my pediatrician about it since I trust her wholeheartedly.


  • I work in a Peds ER so basically meet 3 of the five criteria for being first in line to get the H1N1 vaccine.  I always get the regular flu vaccine regardless.  Not sure if I will get the H1N1.
  • Nope- not nervous at all! It's the flu...I know about 20 people who have already had it. Maybe some think this makes me naive, but I'm not going to worry myself about things that I have no control over. I certainly won't vaccinate my newborn with something that is brand new either. 
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