3rd Trimester

Oh the hormones are already in high gear today.

Woke up and almost cried when I looked at my sta puft marshmallow legs and feet.

Did start crying when I thought about going into work today. Yesterday the lady who empties my office's trash can came in wearing gloves and gave me this huge bottle of sanitizing lotion and told me (sternly- usually she is a very light hearted woman) on no uncertain terms to use it every time I come back in my office from anywhere else in the unit. (I'm in an outpatient wing of a psych hospital). Freaked me the heck out, especially since she said she wasn't allowed to tell me any more information than to just hide that bottle since she's not supposed to be giving it out. So of course I'm thinking that I'm somehow exposing my LO to MRSA, swine flu, hep C etc.

Calmed down from that and went to the bathroom where I realized my wedding bands are stuck on my finger and they won't come off. Cried about that.

Came downstairs for breakfast, got my bagel all ready, thought some canteloupe would be a nice accompaniment and knocked the whole frigging container onto the floor. Bawled about that. Picked the pieces up, washed them off, and had some melon.

What the hell. That is just too many emotions in 90 minutes.

Re: Oh the hormones are already in high gear today.

  • Sorry you feel that way today! ?I get upset every time I?drop something, which lately is quite frequent.?

    As far as work goes, it was nice that at least she cares enough to give you a heads up. ?Just wash your hands a lot and use the sanitizer and I am sure you will be fine.?

    This too shall pass, hopefully you will have a good day and maybe you will wake up tomorrow feeling better.?

  • Someone's handing out sanitizer at work for possible major diseases and you're eating food off the floor Indifferent
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  • imagejennybeams:
    Someone's handing out sanitizer at work for possible major diseases and you're eating food off the floor Indifferent

    I never said I was rational Geeked

  • I'm more in a constant state of being pissed off.  I feel like the Hulk turning green every 5 mins. over stupid crap.
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