is anyone taking birthing or other classes prior to delivery?
I sent to early to do them last time- we were actually scheduled for the following week.
After my experience then- my labor had actually gone so fast and got intense so dang quickly, I don't think any classes would have helped me.
I would get a doula if I had some extra change, but right now that isn't practical. If all goes well I will deliver with a midwife in a hospital with OB backup like I did before- but if I go too early, I will deliver at bigger hospital with my MFM.
If you took classes- what did you like? What were benefits you noticed?
What didn't you like? And, if you have had a baby before, is it even worth it? (I have to giggle at the Duggars- even with #18- they went to classes...sheesh)
Also- since I am a nurse, I know ins and outs of 90% of the medical aspect- so that wouldn't be something I would need out of the class.
Just curious. Not sure I should spend the $$- should I rent a video or buy a book instead? On BR I have tons of time to spare...
Re: classes
I didn't take a labor and delivery class and I'm glad I didn't. I read a few pregnancy books and felt comfortable with the info I got from them. I'd say if after reading a few different books, you still feel the need to participate in a class, go for it.
I took a breastfeeding class and found that to be a waste of time. The books I read and the posts here were good enough for prep and the majority of the help I got was after I gave birth. Nurses and lactation consultants were at the hospital to help around the clock when I needed it. When I got home and was so engorged that he wouldn't latch, my home care nurse that came to remove my staples gave me a nipple shield and showed me how to use it. I never referenced anything from the class I took because there was so much help available when I needed it.
I also had to take a mandatory anasthesia class before I delivered which I'm glad I took because if I hadn't, my hospital would have made me watch a 30 minute video on pain management techniques before giving me the epi (that I swore I'd never get). Which would have probably resulted in me killing someone, most likely my husband.
Oh and I also homestudied hypnobirthing - all of which went flying out the window when they really started cranking up the pitocin and the pain got real.
I have heard similar opinions to this from 3 of my friends. Although I would like to possible take a childcare class, most likely we won't. DH has a busy schedule and just flat out refuses to sit through one (another issue...). I think I am going to go hang out more with our friends that have 2 girls they have been a lot of help so far. And I'm reading a few books as well. (Bio)
For me I feel the classes are gonna be a little over kill. I've already been in the room for 3 deliveries, will be doing my OB rotation in clinicals, and have read a few books. I also don't believe the who breathe b.s. is actually useful while in labor. (I've had a number of people tell me it was complete bull). Yet my one SIL says it might be worth it for the Hubby to get a better idea about what is gonna go one.
She's also a nurse and didn't take much away from the classes at the hospital, yet it gave her DH alot of info. He never had a baby around before, so he was completely clueless about what to expect. If your hubby might benefit then maybe i'd look into it.
(I know alot of hospitals will allow staff to go to the classes for free in my area, is it possible for you guys? I'm assuming with you saying your a nurse your at a hopsital)