3rd Trimester

Body Parts!

Baby body parts are sticking out of my sides!  Grossness!  If I push down on them I can feel her little alien body in there.  All motherliness aside, that is nas-tay.  I had the DH feel it and he was quite perturbed.  Anybody else got body parts stickin every which way?

Re: Body Parts!

  • I had a foot come out one day and I pushed it back in, he left a little bruise.
  • Yes, I regularly receive an elbow in my ribs which I shoved outta there yesterday. It was really odd to feel the elbow bend away from my ribs. I actually felt it kinda 'snap' away from me. Snap is a bad descriptive word but I can't think of a better one sorry!
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  • I love to feel her little body parts when she stretches out. I have never once thought her movements were nasty. Uncomfortable sometimes, sure - I don't particularly enjoy her feet in my ribs... but nasty? Nope.
  • Glad to know I'm not alone!  Thankfully my wee one hasn't bruised me yet- goodness!  It's pretty amazing how they respond to jabs back though- it cracks me up! :)

  • WTF?  You think cute little baby parts are nasty and gross? 


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