I'm a teacher and I had to find a substitute for my maternity leave. The only guidelines I was given by the principal was that she had to be certified. So I found a certified teacher willing to sub for me. She's subbed at our school a lot before (did part of someone's maternity last year) and every has been raving about how great she is. She's young and right out of college. Since I knew quite a few experienced teachers at our school were losing their jobs to cut-backs, I asked them if they wanted to do my leave. They all laughed and said "no." About 4 weeks ago, I found out that this young teacher was still available and she wanted to sub for me. So I told my principal that I had found someone. 3 weeks later (last week) she calls me in for a meeting to tell me that she's concerned about this girl's lack of experience and the fact that she may not be able to do certain things, like testing the kids in reading. My colleagues on my grade level team are also concerned and now they and my principal are thinking of finding someone else. Meanwhile, this poor just-out-of-college girl has stopped looking for jobs because she thinks she's subbing for me and possibly taking over my class if I don't come back. It's so irritating because why did everyone wait til 3 weeks before I'm due to decide this sub isn't good enough? Why didn't they tell me they had certain expectations back in JUNE when I made it clear that I was looking for a sub. I keep getting reminded that they don't approve, but honestly I did my job and found a sub. I'm not going to be bothered with finding someone to their liking. I have way too much else to worry about before this baby comes. Ughh, people.
Re: Ughh, I've had it with work.
Here is what is frustrating about that - your co-workers and your principal are TEACHERS. How do they expect this young girl to learn how to teach if they don't help her. Yes it will be a little bit more like having a student teacher in the class but jeez. I am really surprised at them.
I am interviewing two potential long term subs tomorrow. I have a really weird schedule and tough HS kids. We'll see.
Honestly - with testing - I am sure she is capable if someone shows her what to do. They always are SO clear in the directions. I feel like a monkey could give the tests I give.