FF tells me to test tomorrow, Dr said to if no + by Wednesday stop taking the progesterone. Tomorrow is just 12DPO & Wed is just 13DPO...
I tested today BFN.... I didn't tell DH. He wants me to test tomorrow, probably because my emotions have been all.over.the.place...
Re: DH says test....
You did test a little early. I say test again. Good luck!
13dpo is still really early too, I know lots of people who have no lines until even 14dpo.
That said, 13dpo is better than 11dpo. Can you hold out until Wednesday?
I agree with Cat...hold out till Weds...it's still pretty early to test.
I never got a BFP until I hit 13dpo. GL to you:)
I'm a pee pusher and couldn't wait, if it were me! At least you have an arsenal of sticks for when you need them.
Hoping to hear some good news! Hang in there...
If it were me I'd try to wait until Wed., but that's easy for me to say...waiting seems so reasonable until you try to do it.
Good luck with the test!