Georgia Babies

So Sad/Childcare vent

Raleigh was in an in-home Art & Music Camp over the summer and when it was over the girl who ran it let me know that if I wanted, Raleigh could stay on indefinitely (it was just Raleigh and the girl's 2 year old daughter most of the time since the summer). She LOVES it there. They do tons of art projects, play all kinds of games, go to the park etc.

I just found out today the girl got another job and can't keep Raleigh after next week :(. I'm so sad to have to move Raleigh again and sad because she was so happy there.

Time to start looking for part time care again :( if you know someone in the Cumming area let me know!

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Re: So Sad/Childcare vent

  • :( That stinks. Did something just come out of the blue for her?

    Good luck finding a new daycare that you and Raleigh love!?

  • That stinks. I'm sorry. Childcare is sucjh a pain. I hope you find something she loves just as much!
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  • Yes, she just got a job that she couldn't refuse...which is so great for her and I'm really happy. She was just so darn amazing with Raleigh! Oh well....on to the next chapter....hopefully it's someone equally amazing!
    I will not go where the path may lead, I will go my own way and leave a trail. Gaudium, Aut Vium Invenium Aut Facium
    Happiness, Either I will Find a Way or I will Make one Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • So sad, my nephew just started going to an in home place that my SIL just loves in Cumming. We are meeting up tomorrow I will get the info and send it your way.
  • imagerara855:
    So sad, my nephew just started going to an in home place that my SIL just loves in Cumming. We are meeting up tomorrow I will get the info and send it your way.

    Awesome!! Thank you so much!

    I will not go where the path may lead, I will go my own way and leave a trail. Gaudium, Aut Vium Invenium Aut Facium
    Happiness, Either I will Find a Way or I will Make one Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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