My DH said he read sitting on one prior to delivery in the weeks leading up to delivery will/ can move the baby in to the canal.. does anyone know anything about this.. ive tried googling it but I dont know if im wording it correctly.
Try googling just "Birth Ball Exercises". There are a lot of benefits to sitting and positioning on one both before and during labor.
I bought one to help relieve my hip pain and it also helped me get LO from breech. An added bonus is that since I work on it all day (I work from home) my abs have gotten a nice workout too!
They say it can help spread your pelvis which can help the baby move down - or at least move down less painfully. I sit on mine for a few minutes when I have pelvic pain and it does help. Honestly, I have a fear of it bursting though (I have an older ball, not very high-end), so I don't spend a long time on it and I usually do it next to the bed where I can brace myself and feel more secure.
It's also useful for propping your feet up when they're swollen
Gabriel :: Born on his due date - 9/19/09 :: 9lb 8oz, 21"Birth Story
I don't know about moving baby anywhere, but it is super comfortable for me. I have one and sit on it all the time (watching TV, folding laundry, etc.). I'd reccommend it just for that!
I don't know if the ball helping the baby engage is true or not. What I do know - it's now waaaaay more comfortable to sit on my ball than anywhere else. Add a little bouncing or rolling action, DH can put some pressure or rub my back ~ heaven!
Sorry for the long response, but here is some info I had saved about it:
"Before labor, a birthing ball can be used to improve or eliminate backaches that are common during pregnancy. Sitting on a birthing ball while pregnant helps a woman to maintain the proper posture to support her growing asymmetricalbody. This posture encouraged by the birthing ball also helps to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, which prevents the occurrence of back problems throughout pregnancy. Sitting on the birthing ball before the child is born also relieves leg cramping and has a calming effect.The use of a birthing ball before labor prepares the body for giving birth. It widens and flexes the pelvic bones and joints, helping the baby descend into the birth canal more easily. It also strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which are responsible for the pushing stage of childbirth. A birthing ball should be used daily to reap all its benefits when preparing for labor.The use of a birthing ball during labor helps to relieve discomfort and pain associated with contractions, as well as providing focus for the laboring mother. When a woman is in labor, she is encouraged to rock her pelvis back and forth to encourage the descent of the baby into the pelvic area. The birthing ball allows a woman to rock without having to stand, which provides optimum balance and stability. Straddling the birthing ball also helps to align the body to the proper position for a smoother birth.Another use of the birthing ball during labor is to ease back labor. Back labor usually occurs when the baby is in a posterior position, which means that he or she is facing forward, or is "sunny side up." Ideally, babies should be born head-down, facing backwards, in an anterior position. A posterior position causes excruciating contractions felt in the mother?s back. Leaning on a birthing ball with knees on the floor helps to relieve back labor, while at the same time encouraging the baby to turn to a more ideal position.
After delivery, a birthing ball can be used as a toning tool for returning to a pre-pregnancy form. It can also help to sooth the incisions from episiotomy or tears that sometimes result from delivery by providing a cushiony seat. Abirthing ball can also benefit the newborn baby by relieving colic. Placing the colicky baby on the birthing ball on his stomach often relieves the discomfort."
Ahhh thanks all.. and to the bumpie who said google birthing ball exercises.. i guess I hadnt figured it was an "exercise" Im so blonde lately its horrible..
At least I havent left the oven on for 6 hours AGAIN like I did in second tri...
They say it can help open the pelvis a bit by sitting on it and slowly rocking side to a matter of fact, I'm sitting on mine as we speak!
If nothing else, it does help make my hips hurt less and I sit up straighter when I'm on it, right now it's the most comfortable seat in my house!
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12 BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day! My BFP Chart
I got one a few weeks ago because I was sitting at the computer at lot and my back was hurting and after I got it, it hurts less. It also feels nice if may back hurt to kneel on a pillow and rest my chest on the back and roll back and forth to help stretch out my back also with the pressure of the baby being off my back.
It can help you change into different positions doing labour which will help baby move down. (this info I got from the birthing class) I'm really happy I got mine. I'm 5'5" and I needed a large ball the med was to small I got it first and had to take it back. Also I got mine on sale at Target for like $7.00 dollars so you may want to check it out.
We were told to sit "belly forward" like you are sitting backwards on a chair. Not to lean back and recline. The belly forward position helps the baby move down and turn to help avoid a sunny side up baby.
Mine helped tremendously with pelvic pain during pregnancy and I used it a lot in early labor and it was the most comfortable position I could find to get through a lot of painful contractions.
Re: "birthing balls" exercise ball
Try googling just "Birth Ball Exercises". There are a lot of benefits to sitting and positioning on one both before and during labor.
I bought one to help relieve my hip pain and it also helped me get LO from breech. An added bonus is that since I work on it all day (I work from home) my abs have gotten a nice workout too!
They say it can help spread your pelvis which can help the baby move down - or at least move down less painfully. I sit on mine for a few minutes when I have pelvic pain and it does help. Honestly, I have a fear of it bursting though (I have an older ball, not very high-end), so I don't spend a long time on it and I usually do it next to the bed where I can brace myself and feel more secure.
It's also useful for propping your feet up when they're swollen
Sorry for the long response, but here is some info I had saved about it:
"Before labor, a birthing ball can be used to improve or eliminate backaches that are common during pregnancy. Sitting on a birthing ball while pregnant helps a woman to maintain the proper posture to support her growing asymmetricalbody. This posture encouraged by the birthing ball also helps to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, which prevents the occurrence of back problems throughout pregnancy. Sitting on the birthing ball before the child is born also relieves leg cramping and has a calming effect.The use of a birthing ball before labor prepares the body for giving birth. It widens and flexes the pelvic bones and joints, helping the baby descend into the birth canal more easily. It also strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, which are responsible for the pushing stage of childbirth. A birthing ball should be used daily to reap all its benefits when preparing for labor.The use of a birthing ball during labor helps to relieve discomfort and pain associated with contractions, as well as providing focus for the laboring mother. When a woman is in labor, she is encouraged to rock her pelvis back and forth to encourage the descent of the baby into the pelvic area. The birthing ball allows a woman to rock without having to stand, which provides optimum balance and stability. Straddling the birthing ball also helps to align the body to the proper position for a smoother birth.Another use of the birthing ball during labor is to ease back labor. Back labor usually occurs when the baby is in a posterior position, which means that he or she is facing forward, or is "sunny side up." Ideally, babies should be born head-down, facing backwards, in an anterior position. A posterior position causes excruciating contractions felt in the mother?s back. Leaning on a birthing ball with knees on the floor helps to relieve back labor, while at the same time encouraging the baby to turn to a more ideal position.After delivery, a birthing ball can be used as a toning tool for returning to a pre-pregnancy form. It can also help to sooth the incisions from episiotomy or tears that sometimes result from delivery by providing a cushiony seat. Abirthing ball can also benefit the newborn baby by relieving colic. Placing the colicky baby on the birthing ball on his stomach often relieves the discomfort."
The O'Baby Blog
Ahhh thanks all.. and to the bumpie who said google birthing ball exercises.. i guess I hadnt figured it was an "exercise" Im so blonde lately its horrible..
At least I havent left the oven on for 6 hours AGAIN like I did in second tri...
Thanks all again.
They say it can help open the pelvis a bit by sitting on it and slowly rocking side to a matter of fact, I'm sitting on mine as we speak!
If nothing else, it does help make my hips hurt less and I sit up straighter when I'm on it, right now it's the most comfortable seat in my house!
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day!
My BFP Chart
I got one a few weeks ago because I was sitting at the computer at lot and my back was hurting and after I got it, it hurts less. It also feels nice if may back hurt to kneel on a pillow and rest my chest on the back and roll back and forth to help stretch out my back also with the pressure of the baby being off my back.
It can help you change into different positions doing labour which will help baby move down. (this info I got from the birthing class) I'm really happy I got mine. I'm 5'5" and I needed a large ball the med was to small I got it first and had to take it back. Also I got mine on sale at Target for like $7.00 dollars so you may want to check it out.
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