3rd Trimester

The more I read about Pitocin...

the more it scares the crap out of me.


Me: 30, DOR with a FSH of 12.5
DH: 31, no issues
4-6/2012 100mg of Clomid + trigger + IUI/TI = BFN
7/2012 150mg of Gonal-f + trigger + IUI = BFN
8/2012 Surprise unmedicated BFP!! Due May 8, 2013
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: The more I read about Pitocin...

  • I was induced at 39 weeks and 1 day b/c DS was getting too big and they were afraid he might get stuck during delivery (which he did).

    I went in at 8am I was already 4cm and 80% effaced. They started a pit drop and broke my water. Shortly after that I got the epi ( sweet relief). I had DS ?8 hours later, only pushed for 30 min.?

    I had a really enjoyable induction. Just wanted to share a positive pit story.?

  • If you've got an epi cranked up Pitocin is nothing to worry about.  If not, watch out!  It's the devil!!! 

    Half joking.  ;)

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  • Im being induced thursday and I have been reading on the pit too. They are talking about giving me the pit about 10am then not breaking my water until 1pm. With what I'm reading about the pit, I'm thinking its better to have your water broke before or at same time of receiving it. I'm starting to get really scared that I'm going to have alot of pain with no progression. Sad
  • imageaadauer:
    Im being induced thursday and I have been reading on the pit too. They are talking about giving me the pit about 10am then not breaking my water until 1pm. With what I'm reading about the pit, I'm thinking its better to have your water broke before or at same time of receiving it. I'm starting to get really scared that I'm going to have alot of pain with no progression. Sad

    Eh, a lot of pain with no progress can happen with our without pit.  I had 36 hours of med free labor and was stuck at 3 cm.  I got an epi and pit and 8 hours later my baby was born. 

  • ditto same way here, dont be scared...



    I was induced at 39 weeks and 1 day b/c DS was getting too big and they were afraid he might get stuck during delivery (which he did).

    I went in at 8am I was already 4cm and 80% effaced. They started a pit drop and broke my water. Shortly after that I got the epi ( sweet relief). I had DS  8 hours later, only pushed for 30 min. 

    I had a really enjoyable induction. Just wanted to share a positive pit story. 

  • I had Pitocin to help me out with my first two children.  I made it through without an epi....it hurt, but I made it through okay.  It can be extremely helpful.

  • I, too, had a very positive experience with a pitocin induction.  I was convinced it was the devil but in the end I needed it and everything worked out fine. 
  • Yep. It sucks. But if it means getting your baby out, and you're 41+ weeks, you'll do what it takes. I'd still take pitocin, with no pain meds, over a c-section any day. But I hate having surgery!
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