3rd Trimester

XP: Contractions and pressure

This past weekend I was having quite a few contractions that I'm pretty sure are just BH contractions. I increased my water and just tried to rest. They weren't painful or anything, just uncomfortable. Well they are still happening today. Nothing consistent, just very randomly. And on top of that, I feel a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen. Has anyone else experienced this? I have a dr.s appt on Wednesday. I'm not sure if I should ride it out until then, call the doctor tommorrow or what.

Re: XP: Contractions and pressure

  • Yep ....all the time for weeks.
  • Oh yes. Especially when standing up or walking. Could be that your baby "dropped" lower or just that your BHs are getting stronger. If they don't stop with water and rest or if you notice a pattern (i.e. every 5 minutes), then call the doctor.
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  • I too have experienced what you described.  I think you could wait until your appointment on Wednesday but definately call if you are really concerned.
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