The past few days I've been having LOTS of contractions. Today they were really regular (around every 5 minutes). I noticed that I lost my mucus plug but it was super clear. Anyway-- I ended up calling my OB to come in to get checked out because I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not. My contractions definitely are painful but not a "omigosh this is terrible" type of pain.?
I got an internal, the doctor said that my cervix was "favorable" and that I was dilated 2 cm. She said I might have some spotting after the exam.
I got home, took a nap, still having contractions. Now they seem to be about 3 minutes apart... still not terrible pain... but more pain than they were before (this could be because I've had contractions ALL DAY!!). I have been spotting just a little from the exam. I did notice that I lost another huge clump of my MP and this time it was bloody... but it was brown blood. ?
?Anyway-- I know you girls can't predict the future... but what do you think... is this false labor or the start of something? If it is something, when would you go in???
Re: What would you think?