3rd Trimester

I'm weird: I'll be jealous of MIL

My MIL wants to watch our LO 3 days a week when I go back to work.  There are many issues I foresee with this, but one of the big ones is rather lame.  And I am wondering if I am really way off base here:

I feel like I will be jealous of her spending all this time with him.  Somehow in my weird head it will be different if he is in daycare, and other people loving on him won't bother me to the same degree that she will.

There are a lot of other things in play here, I'll save you from the details, but seriously, I feel like I am 29 going on 5.  Anyone?

Re: I'm weird: I'll be jealous of MIL

  • I'd feel the same way.

    But I admittedly have the maturity of a teaspoon.?

  • normal thought at first thought but I wouldn't think like that plus it will save you money and hopefully she is someone you trust rather than strangers..also will prob make your hubby happy..what does he think?
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  • I feel the same.  My best friend felt the same when her MIL had the baby 1 day a week.  She had issues (and I'm sure I will too) with her MIL not respecting her and her wishes/wants for the baby.  Even if she said something to her MIL, the MIL would just do whatever. 
  • In some ways it would be more reassuring to know he's with family. However, it depends on your mil. Will she find ways (obvious or on the sly) to rub it in your face? In that case I'd feel the same way!
  • Actually I can relate! My MIL also wanted to watch our daughter! But due to her health I'm not comfortable with that! But I fully understand that feeling too! I wouldn't want the baby to favor MIL over me! Plus I want her to be a grandmother and not a care-giver!

    I know people will say that family will watch kids better, but I don't agree! I just wouldn't want MIL to think she knows my baby better than I do....

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  • I would definitely feel the same way.  If she's anything like my MIL, she would find some way to point out the things I am doing wrong and initiate her own little ways of raising him.  GL!
  • I felt that way when MIL watched my twins. I got over it fast...they developed a great relationship with her but of course they still love their Mommy! It can be tough at times when LO doesn't want to leave her or whn they cried to come to me- but that happens at DC too! They are now 7 and I don't regret it or feel like I lost anything.

    This time she will also be watching the baby. I know I will go through moments of jealousy...esp. when I am tired and would rather be w/ baby than working...but it REALLY is worth it! They all get so much more love and affection/attention than in DC. 

  • I understand. I would feel that way too!
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  • I understand where you are coming from... but I'd honestly love it if my mom or MIL were able to watch the baby a few days a week so I could go back to work. My MIL would love to, but she lives too far away and my mom (even though she lives up the street and will be retiring in December) wants nothing to do with watching the baby on a regular basis-she wants her freedom. I would take your situation as a blessing, but again I understand the emotional response you are experiencing.?
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