3rd Trimester

40 week appt today...

So I'm still 1 cm dilated and only 50% effaced... I'm bummed!  We also had a biophysical profile done on the baby and she passed with flying colors.  Everything still looks great in there.  Plenty of amniotic fluid and she was moving great.  The doc says I'm good for another week.  ANOTHER WEEK!  I had to see another OB today b/c my OB was at a delivery, so I'm going to call her in the morning and see what she thinks.  She had originally said she would induce on Wednesday if we wanted to, but I'm kinda leaning towards waiting at least until 41 weeks.  Come on baby girl... it's time to come out!!!  I need some major labor dust over here!!!  

Re: 40 week appt today...

  • I can't imagine what I'm going to be like at this phase. I think I'm going to try every single labor inducing technique I can think of - walking, sex, rosemary tea (or whatever that is), more walking and more sex, nipple stimulation, pressure points on hands and ankels, and if I'm still not have contractions by 41wks I'm goin to the cator oil.


  • I highly recommend waiting another week since everything looked good. At 1cm and 50%, your cervix is not very favorable for a successful induction, and you have about a 45% chance of having a c-s.

    I didn't want to go to 42 weeks, but I wish my Bio today turned out as well as yours!


    Um, yeah. The Bump be too crazy for pics of my kid.
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  • I'm at the same gestation as you, but I'm hoping not to induce until at least 41 weeks, if not longer. If your dr. will let you wait, I would.

    FYI, I've tried every natural induction technique except castor oil. Nothing worked. 

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wow , girl hang in there .  i think i would be going crazy. because we count down until our day comes. and then every day after , you think is it today. You must be going crazy. I think i would walk and do things, but just stay calm and I guess enjoy this time. you are a trooper to go as long as you have......
  • I was the same as you at my 40 week appointment.  1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced.  I started having light contrations the next day which have continued until yesterday when I lost my mucus plug and since then they have gotten progressively more intense and frequent (but still not frequent enough to call the frikin doctor!).  I am hoping not to have to be induced at 42 weeks, which is what my doctors will do if I don't go naturally this week.
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