On Wednesday, DH is interviewing for a job in Texas. Right now, we live in South Carolina. The job would be a big step up in his career, so it's really exciting opportunity for him. They've got two positions open and are bringing in three candidates for interviews, so I think his odds are pretty good.
On one hand, I'm really excited for DH and hoping he gets it because it's a great career move for him. But on the other, I almost wish he wouldn't get it because I'm dreading the idea of moving. We'd relocate in January, and our baby is due in November. So, we'd have a very little one plus a toddler. Moving to a new city with no friends or family there would be really hard. The first six months of having our son were the hardest time we have ever gone through in over 10 years as a couple. The exhaustion and challenges of dealing with a newborn made for a really difficult time in our marriage. Hopefully we'll do better this time around, but I know it will still be hard. Going through that again while in a new city with no support system really scares me.
I know whatever will be will be and we'll make it work if we go, but AAACK. This has my head all in a whirl. I guess I just get to wait and see! As a little bit of a control freak, I don't do wait and see very well. Pregnancy hormones are not helping.
Just needed a place to get all that out there! Thanks for letting me vent.
Re: DH has an out of state job interview this week
I don't blame you for being nervous about such a huge move so soon after your LO is born. I think it's great that you are being so supportive of your DH in this and wish you both the best of luck in whatever this situation brings!