I have been having horrible headaches for the past 2 months even gone to L&D because of them (and high BP) several times. So I called Dr. today they tell me to come in so we can discuss options. DH and I get ready get DD ready, leave, get about 3 miles down the road and DD gets carsick all over the place, it was horrible! So I had to take DH and DD home and leave again this time by myself, was 20 min. late to appt. Dr. told me he wants me to try another pain medication that is a class C since absolutely NOTHING will get rid of pain. I finally get home, I took this med and now I am shaky and nauseous but still have a headache. I can't take these headaches anymore, I am about to call Dr. and tell them that they need to do something because I am not handling them well. Anyone have any home remedies? I am willing to try anything (safe of course).
Re: What a stressful day
This might be hard with a toddler, but if DH or someone else is there to distract her then you should be able to. I usually just lay a wet, cold washcloth over my head where it hurts and lay down and take a nap in a dark, quiet room.
Do you know what kind of headache it is? Migraine, tension, etc? If it's a tension headache maybe a nice neck/back massage, or a visit to a chiropractor.
They are not sure what kind of headache, they think from stress, but I have tried everything from massages to cold rags to all kinds of medicine.