Ugh. It's getting WORSE. I've always been one of those people who only had to wash their hair every few days, then in first tri I started washing every other day, and now I'm washing every single day and it's still really greasy. I'm also breaking out behind my ears.
I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any!
Re: Greasy Hair (vent)
I have to second the TIGI dry shampoo. I've never had to wash my hair more often than every other day (and that's when I've been sweating, I usually shampoo every third day), but my hair and scalp have gone haywire while I've been pregnant. If I shampoo every day my hair makes me pay for it, so my stylist suggested that dry shampoo. I love it.
this sometimes works for me...depending on how greasy, but rub baby powder in your scalp, or get the dry shampoo or powdered shampoo (try sephora, or look online)
Im with you about my hair, it is greaser but in general my hair is down right disgusting!! I put it up almost everyday or contemplate on wearing a hat. I wish i had beautiful pregancy hair like my sister had.
This. I have thin hair and it looks greasy by the end of the day regardless of pregnancy. I usually wash my hair twice a day.
Yep, and if you are blonde you can get away with dusting on some regular baby powder. Gently shake on small sections of roots, and rub through with a towel.