See what you all have done to me!
I was in the Buckhead Target (on Sidney Marcus--not the two-story one) today and bought a monitor that was on clearance for $40-something. It was only half-price, though, and it isn't a video one. It plays music or something. I wasn't paying good attention last week during the monitor madness. LOL! I will just take it back, though. We barely used Kate's monitor. Our place is so small, we don't really need one. ha! (ETA: I wasn't buying it for me, though--I was trying to find a deal for you all. ;o))
In other Target news ... they had a bunch of BabyLegs marked to 75 percent off, so they were only $2.48ish. I bought a couple in the cow print ... for you-know-what. I figured I could find a way to use them. They had several designs--but they were in the clothes dept. on one of the shelves--NOT in the aisles or end-caps where they had been previously. Just FYI. Does anyone still get into BabyLegs? Remember the craze on the nest a couple of years ago? We never really got into them, but I thought I would pass the info along just in case. )
Re: I bought the wrong monitor
I got the baby legs this weekend. The ones I found were called 1st baby legs. They are smaller than the orginal ones which is good for me b/c my girl is tiny! But what a good deal at $2.48!