I just found that after 2 months of trying, my Mum's employers have finally agreed to let her take a week of leave in December so she and my Dad can come to America and visit their new grandson
The fall back option was for them to visit in January but our little man will be almost 6 weeks old by then and I really wanted them to meet him when he's tiny.
I'm so happy I feel like crying!
Re: Sooooo happy!
Awww!! Congrats! That's exciting!

Yes I'm British, I guess saying "Mum" instead of "Mom" gives me away
My parents live in Scotland so it's quite a long journey for them but this will be their first new grandchild in 14 years so there was no way they wouldn't visit, I'm just so glad it will be sooner rather than later
Glad to hear that everything worked out and they will be able to make a trip in December.
I love it too, but I guess I'm a little biased
I haven't lived there for 10 years and I still miss it.