3rd Trimester

WWYD: induction

My dr is going on vacation at the end of the week and will be gone all next week. I go back tomorrow for my 40 wk apt and he said he could induce me Wednesday morning. I am pretty set on him being the one to deliver him. So I'm not sure if I want to go ahead with the induction process or wait for LO to make his appearance and use another dr since mine will be gone. WWYD?

Re: WWYD: induction

  • I would induce if you will be over 40 weeks
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  • Blahhhh is what I think when I read posts like this. I personally would not induce because of my doctor's vacation schedule... IMO, that does not qualify as a medically necessary reason, and is therefore not in accordance with ACOG guidelines.
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  • I'm in the process of arguing with my Dr. about my induction. He wants to induce this week as well, partially b/c of the hospital's schedule, which I do not think is a good reason. Personally, I am of the mindset that induction should only be done for medical reasons, so I would wait in your case. But, it's a personal choice.

    Can you meet the other dr. who will deliver your baby and see if you like him/her and then decide? 

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  • I'm planning to go au natural so induction is the LAST thing I want, so I would say wait it out. However, if you're already planning to have an epi and such and it's really important to you to have that doctor then you'd probably do just fine with an induction
  • I personally would wait to see if the LO will come on his own. With my first two children I was induced for the same reason..dr. was going to be gone. Well, both inductions failed and I was just sent home. Both LO's came a few days later on their own. Not saying that this is going to happen to you, but I hate pitocin(sp) and I would avoid it at all cost. I'm overdue right now with my third and declined to get induced right now. Just hoping this LO will come on her own!
  • I would never induce to accommodate schedule

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  • imagesazzie:
    Blahhhh is what I think when I read posts like this. I personally would not induce because of my doctor's vacation schedule... IMO, that does not qualify as a medically necessary reason, and is therefore not in accordance with ACOG guidelines.

    My thoughts exactly!

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  • imagesmilelari:
    I would never induce to accommodate schedule
  • I hate that induction has become such a blase option - people seem to regard it as nothing more than flicking an on switch.  Why is who catches your baby (which is pretty much all OBs do in labor and delivery - flame away) more important than waiting for your body and baby to decide when they're ready?

    I'm not flaming you, OP, for considering the option - I just have a general irritation at how commonplace induction has become and at how OBs present it as an equal option somehow.

  • I'm all about baby coming on its own, but after 40 weeks is eviction time. As long as everything checks out ok with the last u/s and everything, I would induce. I know it's not the normal consensus around here, but after 40 weeks, I'm open to induction. (or before if medically necessary).
  • I would always put the safety and health of my baby and myself over any schedule, any day.



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  • imageellemoney:):
    I'm all about baby coming on its own, but after 40 weeks is eviction time. As long as everything checks out ok with the last u/s and everything, I would induce. I know it's not the normal consensus around here, but after 40 weeks, I'm open to induction. (or before if medically necessary).

    Well, then you're not really about baby coming on its own, because the average gestational length for first-time mothers is 41w1d.  This obsession with 40 weeks doesn't make sense to me.

  • I always thought I would be really disappointed if my dr wasn't there to deliver my baby.  When I had my daughter, my dr was out of town that day (the week before she told me "just don't have your baby on Saturday because I will be gone").  But, after being in labor for 10 hours and when it was finally time to push, I could have cared a less what dr was there.  I loved the nurses and they spend so much time there with you.  I had an easy delivery so maybe that's why I feel this way, but it didn't really make any difference to me that a dr I never met delivered my baby. 
  • I think I'll just wait until my dr's apt tomorrow and see if I've made any progress on my own. I hadn't as of last week. Thanks for your opinions ladies!
  • I personally don't care who delivers me, so I would not induce.
  • imageellemoney:):
    I'm all about baby coming on its own, but after 40 weeks is eviction time. As long as everything checks out ok with the last u/s and everything, I would induce. I know it's not the normal consensus around here, but after 40 weeks, I'm open to induction. (or before if medically necessary).

    Do you have progress at that point.  there are failed inductions ALL the time b/c of lack of previous progress before starting the drip.  I would DEFINITELY not if I had no progress and I am in agreement that induction for convenience is unnecessary and irresponsible.

  • I would induce if you like your doc that much plus you will be past the 40 week mark.
  • imagestephrodjoos:
    I would induce if you like your doc that much plus you will be past the 40 week mark.


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