3rd Trimester

You're gonna do what?!?!?

Ok, so here it is, Monday morning and I am at this hellish placed called work. I work 10.5 days in a call center which I hate and each moment is more miserable then the last. So as I am coming down the hall, there are 2 ladies walking behind me and one of them very loudly shouted "Oh, we are just going to walk behind you all day so we can catch that baby when she falls out!". OMG are u kidding me? Since when are comments like that appropriate. Then I am tired of everyone gasping when they see me saying how "huge" I am and how miserable I MUST be. Actually, I am fine thank you. Its just getting old. If I go all the way to me due date, my last day of work will be Oct 1st. I dont know if I can stay at work that long. I am just tired of the damn comments. Its getting old. Has anyone else made a decision to start their leave a few weeks early due to crap like this? If it werent for money, I'd be done today. Im just sick of it.

Re: You're gonna do what?!?!?

  • I have contemplated it, mostly because of the humidity and my lovely puffy feet/ankles...  have to say, luckily no co-worker of mine has said something that stupid, but if they did, I might have been gone long ago!  As it is, I'm coutning down the days until this Friday.  EDD is Monday. 
  • I officially started my SAHM move two fridays ago and it feels so good! I'm not due until November but I was working as a cashier and SO hated me having to put up with crabby customers and wrapping and bagging and lugging around huge mirrors and glass and ceramic pieces.
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  • I'm feeling fine physically, and I'm at work today. I plan to work up until I deliver or I start feeling really bad. But, last week I was so frustrated I was seriously thinking about not coming in this week just because of the same crapp you're dealing with. I'm sick of the "you're STILL HERE?" comments and "Why are you still working?" I guess they're worried my water is going to break and they'll have to clean it up or something. But, the comments are getting old for sure.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm a nurse that works in a doctors office and I was doing someones physical the other day and he goes to me, "you look fatter than the last time I seen you"....What nerve! A couple of weeks ago I had an older woman tell me that she was going to pray for me and my child b/c I did not have a wedding band on. Sometimes I wish people can keep their thoughts to themselves and just let me do my job.
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