Wanna be added? New here? This is a group for women expecting to have their baby in November. If you would like to join our group, please email me your information! My email address is holleich@aol.com. Please include your screen name, name, age and estimated due date, and gender if you know it.
NINJA BABY - If you would like the Ninja Baby for your siggy please put the following into your signature line. [img?] https://i41.tinypic.com/qovabt.jpg [/img?], be sure to remove the ?'s, otherwise it will not work. I have to type them in, otherwise the Ninja Baby would show up in the middle of the post!!
In the interest of shorter posts, I have made the November Mommies Due Date list a link! Please click on the link below to see the Due Date List.
MONDAY-QOTD - If you know it, have you emailed me your babies gender (holleich@aol.com, please include DUE DATE, screen name, and gender)?
Welcome to third tri ladies! I am now posting the check in on the 2nd and 3rd tri boards.
Are you having any Braxton Hicks contractions? How do you feel about them?
Re: ~November Ninjas Monday Check In~
2007-Sept 2008: TTC the old fashioned way
Sept 2008 - Jan 2009: Clomid 100mg
Feb 2009: 200mg Clomid = BFP! on March 20, 2009 - It's a BOY!
Nov 26th 2009: Aidan Michael, 20.5" 7lb12oz
Feb 2010: Start TTC again, the old fashioned way
Mar - June 2011: Clomid 100mg
July 2011: Unmedicated cycle = BFP! on August 29th, 2011
Nov 6th 2011: m/c due to subchorionic hematoma
Dec 2011: Start TTC again, unmedicated
February 12th, 2012: BFP! EDD 10/23/12
Mar 12th 2012: diagnosed as blighted ovum
Trying again..
Are you having any Braxton Hicks contractions? How do you feel about them?
Not yet!
Are you having any Braxton Hicks contractions? How do you feel about them?
No BH for me just yet.
QOTD: Yep, I've been having them since 18 weeks. I find them uncomfortable and sometimes they freak me out because I have had them at 15 minute intervals a couple of times (which i know is not very close together but just the fact that they were "regular" freaked me out). Dr. says not to worry though unless I have more than 5 an hour.