3rd Trimester


I just want to say, you look amazing in your latest sig picture. Your arms look great and your bump looks adorable! 

How is the GD coming along for you?  I am getting to the point where I am SO tired of all this protein!

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Re: ::ivs112::

  • I have GD to thank for those arms, lol! It's coming along well, the Glyburide 2x a day has been a lifesaver but I am sick of the deprivation! I miss my soda and sweets so much. I know it'll all be worth it to have my healthy little girl in my arms, but I am counting down the days til she's here so that I can enjoy my goodies again Embarrassed.
  • Well I am so glad some good has come out of this deprivation!  I too keep thinking I can't wait until I'm allowed to have the sweets I've done without for the last 12 weeks.  It's been crazy.  My sister said that I look thinner now than earlier in my pregnancy.  She made my year by saying that! 

    Best of luck to you and I can't wait to see photos of your baby girl!

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  • You too, you're so close! Can't wait til we get to meet our babies and enjoy our sweets, lol! Take care and keep us updated.
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