3rd Trimester

These stretchmarks confuse me...

Last week I posted about my stretchies itching.  Well this weekend they decided to try something new.  In the deep canyons of where my skin is stretching apart there appear to be blistery type bumps that itch.  I haven't changed my regimine of lotions or tried anything different yet, so I don't know why this just suddenly started.  Unless it's just rapid baby growth spurt that's kicking my skin's arse?  Anybody else have this happen to them? 

Re: These stretchmarks confuse me...

  • Sniffle..... yes, I got PUPPPS after that happened to me and now I have a rash over most of my thighs, butt, ankles and feet. I'd check with my doctor to see if they can prescribe a cream for you.
  • Sounds like the beginning of PUPPPS to me.... Though I hope it isn't for your sake.  From what I hear they are horrible.  Indifferent
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  • I started getting this a few weeks ago.  it sucks bad and wakes me up in the middle of the night.  ask your dr. what to use, but until then dont use any steroid products on it. (cortisone, etc).  I find that an oatmeal compress helps, too.(soak oatmeal, strain, make a compress out of the liquid, or buy a commercial oatmeal bath).
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  • ::whimper::

    Yikes!  I will be calling my doc today to see what he recommends.  Thank's ladies!

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